Friday, 2 February 2007

Rotton Boroughs

This is a really good letter, because no one in the States thinks it relevant is where Deputies of small Parishes become "Ministers", totally disproportionate, and not votable out because they safeguard the Parish interests. Rotten boroughs! The phrase "This is government of the majority by the minority." sums it up so well!
The idea that just because you can vote it is somehow "democratic" is a nonsense. As Popper (among other thinkers) have pointed out, the main factor of democracy is that you can vote out rulers you don't want. Otherwise it becomes a tokenism, and no one wants to vote, because most people can see the fallacy.

Only Senators should be allowed to be minsters
From Maurice Le Cocq.
WITH regard to the proposed reform of the States, I am very disappointed by the five options offered. I do not agree with the results of the survey - of just over 1,000 people - since everyone I have spoken to, bar one, and the bulk of the comments on Radio Jersey, support the removal of the Constables from the States.

Of the five options, only one offers removing the Constables, with no other reforms. There should be at least one other option with no Constables.

I would support: No Constables; everyone with an Islandwide mandate; one election day.

If they do not go along with this option, the States should be reformed so that only Senators (that is, those with an Islandwide mandate) should be allowed to be ministers and head departments.

It is most unjust that Deputies, often with fewer than 200 votes (many in the country districts have families larger than that), should head departments and in effect govern the Island, while Senators with thousands of Islandwide votes are left without positions.

This is government of the majority by the minority.

2 Sydenham Villas, Janvrin Road, St Helier.

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