Friday, 18 May 2007

What is central?

"The meeting took place in the S.C.M. Secretary's room in Trinity, the C.I.C.C.U's representatives being the President, D.T. Dick and myself. After an hour's conversation which got us nowhere, one direct and vital question was put: 'Does the S.C.M. consider the atoning blood of Jesus Christ as the central point of their message?' And the answer given was, 'No, not as central, although it is given a place in our teaching.' That answer settled the matter, for we explained to them at once that the atoning blood was so much the heart of our message that we could never join with a movement which gave it any lesser place." (Norman Grubb)

I find it amazing that "the atoning blood" terminology is given such a central place in their message! It is a kind of Marcionite bias. From my point of view, the gospels are central, and the simple credal statement of the letters of the New Testament - "Jesus is Lord".

John's Gospel says: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have everlasting life". It seems to me that belief in Jesus is important here, and John does not seem to mention "atoning blood". What is going in with a message that uses a language which one doesn't find anywhere in the ecumenical creeds, and which is being made a standard for defining "true" Christianity - "I believe in the atoning blood"? Well, that is not in my creed, or the Nicene creed.



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