Human nature quotes
Some wonderful quotes from Human Nature / Family of Blood- John Smith: I dream I'm this adventurer. This daredevil, a madman. The Doctor, I'm called. And last night, I dreamt that you were there. As my companion.
- Jenny: [Referring to Smith] Head in the clouds, that one. I don't know why you're so sweet on him.
- Martha: He's just kind to me, that's all. And not everyone's that considerate, what with me being a... [points at her face]
- Jenny: ...Londoner?
- Martha: Exactly! Good old London Town!
- Hutchinson: Tell me then, Jones. Hands like those, how can you tell when something's clean?
- Martha: [straight faced] That's very funny, sir.
- Jenny: Oh now, don't answer back.
- Martha: I'll answer back with my bucket over his head.
- Joan Redfern: I appear to be holding your books...
- John Smith: I sometimes think how magical life would be if stories like this were true.
- Jenny: It's all very well, those suffragettes, but that's London, that's miles away!
- The Doctor: Martha, this watch is me
- Martha: Right, ok, gotcha. [beat] No, wait, hold on, completely lost!
- The Doctor: [a recording] Martha, before I change, here's a list of instructions for when I'm human. One, don't let me hurt anyone. We can't have that, but you know what humans are like. Two, don't worry about the TARDIS. I'll put it on emergency power so they can't detect it, just let it hide away. Four, no, wait a minute, three, no getting involved in big historical events. Four, you. Don't let me abandon you. And five-- [Martha fast-forwards the recording]
- Martha: But there was a meteor, a shooting star, what am I supposed to do then?
- The Doctor: [the recording] And twenty-three, if anything goes wrong, if they find us, Martha, then you know what to do. Open the watch. Everything I am is kept safe in there.
- John Smith: No man should hide himself, don't you think?
- [at gunnery practice]
- Headmaster: You need to be better than the best. Those targets are tribesmen from the dark continent.
- Latimer: That's exactly the problem, sir. They only have spears.
- Headmaster: Oh dear me. Latimer takes it upon himself to make us realize how wrong we all are. I hope, Latimer, that one day you may have a just and proper war in which to prove yourself.
- Hutchinson: Permission to give Latimer a beating, sir?
- Headmaster: It's your class, Mr. Smith.
- John Smith: Permission granted.
- John Smith: Mankind doesn't need warfare and bloodshed to prove itself. Everyday life can provide honor and valor. Let's hope that from now on this country can find its heroes in smaller places. In the most ordinary of deeds.
- Joan Redfern: It's all becoming clear. The Doctor is the man you'd like to be, doing impossible things with cricket balls.
- John Smith: Well, I discovered a talent, that's certainly true.
- Joan Redfern: And the Doctor has an eye for the ladies...
- John Smith: The devil.
- Joan Redfern: A girl in every fireplace.
- John Smith: Aha now, there I have to protest Joan, that's hardly me.
- Joan Redfern: Says the man dancing with me tonight!
- Joan Redfern: Where did you learn to draw?
- John Smith: Gallifery.
- Joan Redfern: Is that in Ireland?
- John Smith: Yes it must be.
- Joan Redfern: You're not Irish?
- John Smith: Not at all, no. My father Sydney was a watchmaker from Nottingham, and my mother Verity was -- well, she was a nurse, actually.
- Baines/Son of Mine: [rapidfire] Just shut up, stop talking, cease and desist, there's a good girl!
- Martha: Would you like some tea?
- Jenny/Mother of Mine: Yes, thanks.
- Martha: I could put a nice bit of gravy in the pot. And some mutton. Or sardines and jam, how about that?
- Jenny/Mother of Mine: I like the sound of that.
- Martha: Right. Hold on a tic.
- [Martha and Joan are held at gunpoint]
- Baines/Son of Mine: Have you enjoyed it, Doctor? Being human? Has it taught you wonderful things?! Has it made you better?! Richer?! Wiser?! Then let's see you answer this: Which one of them do you want us to kill? Maid, or matron? Your friend, or your lover? Your choice!
- [Smith looks horrified, unable to choose]
- Baines/Son of Mine: Would you really pull the trigger? Looks too scared.
- Martha: Scared and holding a gun's a good combination, do you want to risk it?
- Martha: Don't just stand there, move! God, you're rubbish as a human.
- [About the Scarecrows]
- Mr. Phillips: And who are these friends of yours in fancy dress?
- Baines/Son of Mine: Do you like them, Mr. Phillips? I made them myself. I'm ever so good at science, sir. Look! [pulls the arm off a Scarecrow] Molecular fringe animation, fashioned in the shape of straw men, sir. My own private army. Ever so clever, sir.
- Baines/Son of Mine: We are the Family of Blood.
- Baines/Son of Mine: All your little tin soldiers. But tell me sir, will they thank you?
- Headmaster: I don't understand.
- Baines/Son of Mine: What do you know of history? What do you know of next year?
- Headmaster: You're not making sense.
- Baines/Son of Mine: 1914, sir. Because the Family has traveled far and wide looking for Mr. Smith and oh, the things we have seen! War is coming. In foreign fields, war of the whole wide world, with all your boys falling down in the mud. Do you think they will thank the man who taught them it was glorious?!
- Joan: Women might train to be doctors, but hardly a scivvy and hardly one of your color.
- Martha: Oh, d'you think?! Bones of the hand. Carpal bones, proximal row: scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform. Distal row: trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate. Then the metacarpal bones extending in three distinct phalanges: proximal, middle, distal.
- Joan: You read that in a book.
- Martha: Yes, to pass my exams!
- John Smith: How can you think I'm not real? When I kissed you, was that a lie?
- Joan: No, it wasn't, no.
- John Smith: But this 'Doctor' sounds like some, some romantic lost prince. Would you rather that? [Joan says nothing] Am I not enough?
- Joan: [Hurriedly] No, that's not true, never.
- [A boy runs past in the background]
- John Smith: I've got to go.
- Joan: Martha was right about one thing though; those boys, they're children. John Smith wouldn't want them to fight, never mind the Doctor. The John Smith I was getting to know... he knows it's wrong, doesn't he?
- A voice from outside: Mr Smith! Will you please!
- John Smith: What choice do I have?
- Hutchinson: This could mean the difference between life and death for us.
- Tim Latimer: Not for you and me.
- Hutchinson: What are you babbling about?
- Tim Latimer: We go to battle together... We fight alongside... I've seen it, not here, not now.
- Hutchinson: What's that supposed to mean?
- Tim Latimer: It means you and I both survive this and maybe... maybe I was given this watch so I could help... I'm sorry.
- [He turns and leaves]
- Hutchinson: Latimer, you filthy coward!
- Tim Latimer: [sounding almost like the Doctor] Oh, yes, sir! Every time!
- Baines/Son of Mine: [To schoolboys] Well, go on then. RUN!!!
- Joan: I'm Sorry, John. But you wrote about it. The Blue Box. You dreamt of a blue box.
- John Smith: ...I'm not... [tearful] I'm John Smith, that's all I want to be, John Smith. With his life.. and his job... and his love. Why can't I be John Smith? Isn't he a good man? Why can't I stay?!
- Martha: But we need the Doctor.
- John Smith: Who am I then? Nothing...? I'm just a story?
- John Smith: (To Martha) What exactly do you do for him? Why does he need you?!
- Martha: Because he's lonely.
- John Smith: And that's what you want me to become?
- [A knock at the door.]
- Joan: What if it's them?
- Martha: I'm not an expert, but I don't think Scarecrows knock.
- Tim Latimer: He's like fire and ice and rage. He's like the night, and the storm in the heart of the sun. He's ancient and forever. He burns at the center of time and he can see the turn of the universe. And... he's wonderful.
- Joan: They're destroying the village.
- John Smith: The watch! [He grabs it and holds it in his hands]
- Joan: [Quietly] John, don't.
- Tim Latimer: Can you hear it?
- John Smith: It's sleeping. Waiting to wake.
- Tim Latimer: Why did he speak to me?
- The Doctor: Oh, low level telapathic field, you were born with it. Just an extra psy-metric engram causing-- [He flinches and reels backwards]
- John Smith: Is that how he talks?
- Martha: All you have to do is open it and he's back.
- John Smith: You knew this all along and yet you watched while Nurse Redfern and I--
- Martha: I didn't know how to stop you! He gave me a list of things to watch out for but that wasn't included.
- John Smith: Falling in love, that didn't even occur to him?
- Martha: ...No
- John Smith: Then what sort of a man is that?... And now you expect me to die?!
- Martha: It was always going to end though. The Doctor said the Family's got a limited life span, thats why they need to consume a Time Lord. Otherwise three months and they die. Like Mayflies, he said.
- John Smith: So your job was to execute me?
- Jenny/Mother of Mine: He didn't just make himself human. He made himself an idiot.
- Baines/Son of Mine: Same thing, isn't it?
- The Doctor: Oh, I think the explanation might be you've been fooled by a simple olfactory misdirection, a little bit like ventriloquism of the nose. It's an elementary trick in certain parts of the galaxy. [He moves to look at one of the ships machines] But it has gotta be said, I don't like the look of that hydro-kinometer. It seems to be indicating you've got energy feeding back all the way through the retro-stabilizers feeding back into the primary heat converter. [gives a patronising gasp] 'Cause if there's one thing you shouldn't have done... you shouldn't have let me press all those buttons. But, in fairness, I will give you one word of advice: Run!
- Baines/Son of Mine: He never raised his voice. That was the worst thing -- 'the fury of the Time Lord' -- and then we discovered why. Why this Doctor, who had fought with gods and demons, why he had run away from us and hidden... He was being kind.
- He wrapped my father in unbreakable chains forged in the heart of a dwarf star. He tricked my mother into the event horizon of a collapsing galaxy to be imprisoned there, forever. He still visits my sister, once a year, every year. I wonder if one day he might forgive her, but there she is. Can you see? He trapped her inside a mirror. Every mirror. If ever you look at your reflection and see something move behind you just for a second, that's her. That's always her. As for me, I was suspended in time and the Doctor put me to work standing over the fields of England as their protector. We wanted to live forever... so the Doctor made sure we did.
- Joan: Where is he... John Smith?
- The Doctor: He's in here somewhere.
- Joan: Like a story...could you change back?
- The Doctor: Yes.
- Joan: Will you...?
- The Doctor: No.
- Joan Redfern: (To The Doctor) Answer me this, just one question, that's all: if The Doctor had never visited us, if he had never chosen this place, on a whim... would anyone have died?
- [Beat. The Doctor looks heartbroken.]
- Joan: You can go.
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