Monday, 13 August 2007

No, not drunk

Another letter on the abysmal police lack of procedure on Ali Flawell. I find it amazing that (a) they didn't breathalise her (b) they didn't notice the disabled sticker or chose to ignore it.
I do hope there will be an internal inquiry at the very least. I know they tend to be a bit of a joke in matters disciplinary, but they might at least ensure it does not happen again.


No, not drunk

From Michelle Gater.


I FELT compelled to write to you after picking up a copy of yesterday's JEP with the headline 'My police ordeal, by disabled mother' (6 August).

I have known Ali Flavell for approximately the last 20 years and have watched her go from strength to strength, defying the odds since her brain tumour. I was horrified to read how she was separated from Oliver and Morgan and questioned at police headquarters, while all the time stating that she was disabled, not drunk, as it clearly states on her sticker on the back of her car (if the officers had noticed this sooner and taken it into account, Ali's ordeal could have been prevented).

Ali has done so much in the past 12 years to bring normality back into her life.

She has a wonderful supporting husband (Jeremy) and is blessed with two ad-oring children. This is clearly one in the face for those who wrote her off, saying that she would never walk again or have a 'normal' life.

Yes, I can appreciate that the police officers were only do-ing their duty, responding to a member of the public who was concerned, but Ali would never do anything that would put her children in harm's way, and would never even contemplate getting behind the wheel after drinking.

If she had been breathalysed at the scene, the officer would have realised straight away that this was not a case of drink-driving.

I hope that, after the public have read the article in the JEP, they can be educated about ataxia and allow Ali to try to get on with her life with the strength and support of her family and friends, and draw from this that in life anything is possible if you are prepared to fight for it.

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