Monday, 13 August 2007

Stuart Syvret

Reading this (belows), a few notes:

1. As the JDA turned into a political farce in the last election - a breakaway Centre Party showing they couldn't hold it together, a drunk Geoff Southern on Election night doing a George Brown impersonation (old Labour, for those who remember), who needs friends like those? Jersey has a long tradition of independent candidates, and that Syvret did not jump on the party bandwagon (like Paul Le Claire, who has learned better) is in his favour.

2. I think that Attac and Richard Murphy sometimes say important things, but that doesn't mean I would want to agree with them all the time, or indeed much of the time. But it is useful to ask them what their arguments would be, even if one doesn't agree with them. I don;t particularly think Richard Dawkin's arguments (or rhetoric) is that good, but I am reading his latest book for myself and some of his arguments have merit and are worth stating. I think Syvret may have given misleading overtures to them, especially when he was feeling depressed, but to mention them as an argument is totally without merit. I think that anyone who resorts to ad hominem arguments based on an interpretation of emails (which are not cited) is not the kind of person I would care for on my side.

Should he stay or should he go? The Stuart and Frank or Punch and Judy Show.

We have been here before with calls for the resignation of Senator Syvret. Undoubtedly there won't be a resignation, as Syvret loves the lime light and will savour the martyrdom of a vote of no confidence.

In the past what saved Syvret was public support. That may still be there to a degree, but one certain thing is that he has lost all his friends on the political left. Having failed to give any support to the JDA in the 2005 elections, for denouncing ATTAC and having fallen out with his adviser Richard Murphy and best friend John Christensen, there really is no one to help this organise his defence against the big bad wolf. This time there will be no demonstrations outside Cyril Le Marquand House or the States Building. The lesson is that you can't expect to dish your friends and then expect them to help you when you need them.

Sit back. Enjoy the hanging.

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