Thursday, 20 September 2007

Wiccan Bigotry

Having come across Wiccans who cannot put any posting on Catholicism without suggesting that all priests are child abusers and paedophiles, and who are generally people who "speak their own mind", i.e. have a very fascist approach to everyone who does not agree with them, it was refreshing to come across this site. It also deals with the commercialisation which plagues the Mind Body Health fairs, bookshops etc. I always cause problems at the fairs by asking if their products are ethical, i.e. are crystals obtained by strip mining (which is usually, but very damaging to the environment), and invariably they just could not care less! The sloppy scholarship is another commonplace - "the burning times" ignores where - such as in England - hanging was the procedure, not burning, and the figures are usually grossly inflated.
"It is not Wicca that I condemn, but those who bastardize Wicca. It is the person who picks up a book and claims to be a High Priestess without going through the years of study, devotion, and discipline which make one worthy of such a title. It is the person who espouses the values of tolerance and acceptance with one breath, and then spews the worst sort of invective against Christians with the next, holding all of them responsible for the crimes and atrocities of a misguided and hateful few. It is the people who show disdain to the Gods they claim to reverence, dismissing them as mere archetypes or masks, and pretending that they would be pleased with sloppy, ineffectual, hastily cobbled together rituals. It is the people passing off their delusional fantasies and poor grasp of history as unquestionable fact. It is the people who believe that all Pagans believe the same things, do the same things, act the same way - and anyone who does it differently from them is wrong. It is the people who would prostitute their religion for a fast buck by producing poorly written InstaWitch books, spell kits, and charging exorbitant fees for classes whose content they swiped off the internet. It is the intellectual stagnation and philosophical shallowness represented by countless interchangeable Wicca 101 websites, but never anything touching on the deeper mysteries of faith. It is the ego-tripping, grandstanding, histrionic outbursts, and martyr complexes which I cannot stand. "

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