Friday, 21 December 2007

Number Ten

Just listened to this: Anthony Sher plays the Prime Minister, Haydn Gwynne is Polly, his policy adviser, Stephen Mangan is Steve, Polly's sidekick, Elizabeth McGovern the Prince's American aide.
A really  good radio 4 series, Number Ten shows how intentions are not straightforward in politics. Vested interests, personal problems, conflicts of interest, clashes with other power groups (e.g. the unions), media sabotage, all make this a compelling series that exposes the kind of pressure (and crisis living) that political leaders today face.
More please!!!
for details.

Myerson and Hyman say they hope Number 10, like The West Wing, will move political drama beyond the satire of programmes like Yes, Minister and the 'one-issue' polemic of recent docudramas on David Blunkett, John Prescott and Tony Blair. 'The West Wing was about people who, however fallible, were trying to do good,' said Myerson. It is a quality that politicians of all parties share, he added.

The aim of Number 10, he said, is to show politicians as human beings, real people who grapple with the 'dilemmas of decision-making, the pain of surrendering principle to pragmatism and the joy of achievement in the face of the pessimists'.

Good News Day

As the Prime Minister prepares to announce an amnesty for all immigrants working illegally in the UK, a serious tube crash threatens to jeopardise his plans.

And Raise Them To Eternal Life

The party promised to eliminate Britain's carbon footprint, but poll ratings are plummeting and the unions are cutting up rough. Even the PM's stepson is protesting.

Who Won The Election?

As the government prepares for a major cancer screening initiative with a private American company, a leaked letter between the Prince and the Prime Minister appears to advocate legalising cannabis.

Rule Of Law

The PM is launching a new organisation intended to integrate Muslims into British society and prevent radicalisation. But first he has to decide whether to back Turkey's application for EU membership.

Home And Away

Crises loom on two fronts as the Prime Minister faces a backbench rebellion while British troops are being held hostage overseas.


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