Friday, 29 February 2008

Chief Minister's press conference

Some facts about the story below (details below).
a) Stuart Syvret did not "invite himself", or in the phrase of Frank Walker at the conference ("muscle in")
b) As he revealed, he was invited by the press, who knew about the press conference, and thought he should be present, especially if allegations were being made about him.
It is amazing how misinformation can get out, especially in local news reports. The recent Economist noted various problems with media bias in Jersey.
This was very much a case of I will speak, and you can listen. Then you can ask me questions, but not as a response to Stuart Syvret's comments on my allegation. An example of "control issues" also demonstrated by the fact that he did not want Syvret to be present ("he muscled in"), his minder tried to remove Syvret's chair, and he would not budge on allowing Syvret to speak in response to his allocations - I am in control here, not the press! Terry Le Sueur, beside him, like an silent elderly owl, did not help matters with his complete silence. Terry is not the most photogenic of politicians, and the camera lingering on his silent, unexpressive face  did not exactly help.
If Tony Blair can take responsibility - and apologise -  for past crimes committed by the English government against the Irish - which certainly helped lower defensive barriers, can't Mr Walker do the same with respect of past negligence in proper oversight of child care by the Jersey government?
This is the one and only statement on the political wrangle that the Council of Ministers will make, according to Frank Walker. A rash promise, methinks.
Chief Minister's press conference

The Council of Minsters say they wil do everything necessary to support the police in their investigation. But the Chief Minister says one matter needs to be set straight. Senator Frank Walker called a press conference yesterday. He told journalists that there was a misunderstanding about why Senator Syvret was sacked as Health minster last year. He said it wasn't for whistleblowing.
But Senator Syvret - who had invited himself along- said the Chief Minister was making matters worse by calling the press conference.

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