Thursday, 13 March 2008

Hard Pressed

Some quotes from Chesterton (in "Heretics") on the press; some seem quite apt with regard to the Jersey Evening Post.
On the whole its reporting is fair, but when it comes to political matters, its reporting would certainly not come up to Wikipedia non-POV standards. There is a clear editorial bias.
"The only question now is how much longer the fiction will endure that journalists of this order represent public opinion."

"The only inference is that for purposes of real public opinion the press is now a mere plutocratic oligarchy. Doubtless the public buys the wares of these men, for one reason or another. "

"[The press] have no moral courage or immoral courage; their whole method consists in saying, with large and elaborate emphasis, the things which everybody
else says casually, and without remembering what they have said. When they brace themselves up to attack anything, they never reach the point of attacking anything which is large and real, and would resound with the shock."

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