Monday, 10 March 2008

Mathematical Blunders

Some interesting calculations from the headlines of Saturday's Jersey Evening Post. The year is 2008. Take away 38, which gives 1970. For age 6, this gives 1976. This is not, by most stretches of imagination, except perhaps journalistic imagination, the 1960s.
I am sure the tragic story is true; it is just a shame that the Jersey Evening Post can't get the date right. Later in the same report, the preliminary report by Alan Williamson says "Jersey's current child protection provision would score a 2 on a scale of 1 to 4", and then later in the report Mr Williamson is quoted as saying the scale is 0 to 4, which would place 2 bang in the middle. Quite a difference.
Does anyone review these articles before they are published? Or is the editing done by Microsoft Word alone?

"THE foster daughter of the man who ran Haut de la Garenne in the 1960s claims that he raped her when was ten.
Tina Blee, who was in Jersey yesterday, hopes that her visit will give other victims the strength to break decades of silence and speak out. Now aged 38, she was just six when Colin Tillbrook, the former superintendent at Haut de la Garenne, and his wife gave her a home."

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