Sunday, 28 September 2008

What you think of the States.

A wonderful goof in the JEP on Saturday, where the report "What you think of the States" carries forward onto page 2, where you read - under the same headline repeated, with "cont. from page 1" that "the same expert judges return to whittle down the contenders to a shortlist of nine".
Expert judges judging the States? What can be going wrong?
It's all down to a proof-reading failure, of course. The correct continuation goes under the headline - also from page 1, continued on page 2, "Search is on for Island Heroes". The JEP has goofed and put the wrong columns under the headings, muddling the two up.
But just imagine - the third article on page 1 continued on page 2 was "Burglaries Soar". So you could have had on page 2 this wonderful muddle:
What do you think of the States (cont. from page 1)
Police have urged islanders to ensure that their doors and windows are locked and that their valuables are not left on display.
I've always wondered about our States members! This is obviously the new way they intend to fill the "black hole"!


  1. The statistics actually looked really bad to me. Less than 5/10 for many opinions about States performances - hardly a ringing endorsement is it?
    Yet they span it and hyped it as if it showed great satisfaction!

  2. I'll be commenting on the flaws in the methodology later. Suffice at the moment it to say (a) they did not give the sample size (b) they did not give the sampling method, i.e., how they went about. The only plus was the sample was stratified by age, but ideally, it should also be by income groups as well.
