Wednesday, 3 September 2008

What's in a Name?

Just out of fun, I was on Friends Reunited, and decided to search for Richard Dawkins. In fact, I came across 17 Richard Dawkins but none of them the biologist, author of "The Selfish Gene" and scourge of religion. I wonder if they are happy sharing a name with someone who is always courting controversy? I suspect they probably get tired of "A good programme of yours on TV last night".

But if you feel sorry for them, feel extra sorry for the number of times the last woman to be hanged in England crops up. Ruth Ellis comes up 63 times, and none of them a murderess. On the richer front, there are 160 Bill Gates. If any of them are in IT, they must get a lot of stick about it! But they are probably not fighting on the beaches and fields, as that honour goes to Winston Churchill, all 18 of them, and still alive. Speaking of English politicians, there are 309 Gordon Browns, to only 58 Tony Blairs. Still, Gordon is more anonymous, imagine being introduced at a party - "and here's Tony Blair..."

Locally, there are no Terry Le Sueurs or Terry Le Mains, probably as they are not very good online. There are 40 Frank Walkers, none of them the Senator and Chief Minister, and none with a connection to crisp manufacture either. There are two Ian Gorsts, neither in Jersey, one Ian Le Marquand, but not the would-be politician. With Richard Falle, we are getting closer. He went to Victoria College, but alas, is not the magistrate with those flowery bow ties. But with Philip Ozouf, we strike gold. There is but one, and it is he:

Philip Ozouf
1975 - 1981 Victoria College Preparatory School
1992 - 1997 Cargill, Uk Overseas
Elected Senator and Minister for Economic Development in Government of Jersey, Channel Islands.

But do you really want to be friends with Philip Ozouf when you could be friends with Albert Einstein. Yes, all 42 of them!

Names of Friends Reunited - unlike Facebook - are usually genuine, after all that is why people put their name and schools and place of birth there. How many of you are out there, many times over, with doppelgangers by name? I checked on myself, and at last count, there is only one of me! But try it out yourself, and boldly go where no man has gone before, on a trek to find your name, along with the 16 William Shatners, and 3 Leonard Nimoys!


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