Monday, 24 November 2008

Election Posters

Some innovative posters around.

In St Mary one of the candidates (one of the David's) has a cartoon of his face with a "Vote David..." caption; it is a very good cartoon too, very well drawn.

At seven oaks, in St Brelade (near the shell house), someone put up a poster with "Vote for Dennis the Menace", but unfortunately it has been removed. He'd have got my vote! Ah well, we'll probably end up with Roger the Dodger instead.

At the roundabout by Rouge Bouillon, the innovation is to put up about 20 small identical posters of Mike Higgins all clustered together, rather like some kind of Andy Warhol election campaign. Or maybe he has been cloned, and is planning to be the States of Jersey - there are enough of him there.

The rest of the posters are more or less the usual sort, with a picture of the candidate's face, or even just the name. Some - like Ben Fox and Patrick Ryan - go for the "big beam" - a large colour poster of the candidate smiling, often with a slogan like "Balance and Reason" (which suggests a cross between a tight-rope walker and Richard Dawkins), or "Commonsense Values" which tells you even less. Smaller posters sometimes go for a colour border to stand out, but a basic black and white picture - a sensible and clever economy.

Sadly, some people have been out and about defacing posters, which they no doubt think is fun, but in fact takes the tired old children's game of adding a moustache (often Hitler style) and sometimes glasses. The odd poster has been ripped down, and not by the weather (although that has taken its toll).

What I like most about the Deputies elections is the Parish Boundaries. Normally difficult to spot, unless you are watching the kerbside closely for a marker which may be there, it is fun if you have to drive through several Parishes. I did St Brelade, St Peter, St Ouen, St Mary, St John, St Helier, St Lawrence on a round trip to visit someone on Sunday, and suddenly the posters change and you know you are in a different Parish. Perhaps St Ouen should have the odd poster saying "No Voting Here" to illustrate the lack of choice?

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