Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Looking at the deputies - Jeff Hathaway

I was interested to see that there is a lot of good "green" stuff in Jeff's manifesto. We could do with more recycling in Jersey.

Incidentally, I heard on the news today that recycling of plastic bottles is being held up because of lack of demand in the UK. And yet we have France just on our doorstep! Isn't it a shocking indictment of the recent much publicized visit to France that recycling was not clearly one of the issues that came up - and yet it would probably be as important to the Island as a high profile meeting regarding tax and offshore. What on earth was the point of Guy de Faye going if such an important matter did not arise? Apologies will be given if it did, but I've seen nothing in the press releases which say virtually nothing at all, and certainly no mention of recycling. If you'll excuse the pun, a wasted opportunity!

I wish to work with the Connetable, other Deputies, third-parties and importantly the parishioners to further explore and introduce a re-cycling and roadside collection scheme into the Parish, and ensure that the one adopted for our Parish delivers the best solution, at the lowest cost and takes into account all practical issues.
Although forming part of the original ideas submitted to the Les Creux Working Party and representations made to Sport, Leisure & Culture by myself and others, there is still no prospect of securing land at Les Creux for allotments. There is however considerable support for the idea amongst those in the Parish who live in flats, or have ridiculously small gardens, and many retired people. Allotments have proven to be an invaluable community asset, and in current circumstances where our food is taxed, of even greater value to those on low and fixed incomes. I should like to form a group to pursue the issue.

The concept of taxing food and other essentials I find morally unacceptable and those who defend it lacking in social conscience. GST should be removed from food, water and other basic human needs. There is also the compound effect caused by supply chains in which one or more service provider is forced to pass on their unrefundable GST. The affect on small and medium sized business, in contending with yet another layer of administration that government has burdened upon them, only serves to reduce business efficiency and fuel inflation.. It was claimed to be a simple tax. The reality has not borne that out - ask any retailer or accountant! If elected, and the removal of GST from food is again proposed in the States Assembly , I will vote FOR the proposition. I would however favour GST scrapped altogether and replaced by more equitable methods of raising revenues. The recent GST refund bonuses announced by Social Security is an admission that this tax is causing hardship.

Clearly Jersey can no longer compete economically in the wider EU agricultural community. It is also clear that the industry is devoid of States initiative to explore viable 'land-use' alternatives. I believe that it is time to put new resource into creating a sustainable strategy to ensure agriculture not only survives but can have a exciting future. I fully support the enterprise of those undertaking small-holding projects and 'Genuine Jersey'. I would suggest that both climatically and geographically, Jersey vineyards and wine is a realistic opportunity waiting to be explored, having the potential bonus to combine agriculture with 'tourist appeal'. 

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