Monday, 17 November 2008

Looking at the Deputies - Phil Rondel

I was lucky enough to meet him on Friday night, and here is an extract of his main points from his Manifesto:


Retaining my independence, I will always support the continuation of the Honorary System.
Previously I served at many levels of Parochial and voluntary -work, having been: President of C.I. Air Search, Trustee of C.I. Air Trust, Member of the Greenwood Trust (Maison Le Vesconte), Civil Emergency Liaison Officer for St. John, Vice-President of St. John's Rifle Club, Apprecier de Terre for St. John, Member of the Comite Paroissiale, Founder Treasurer of St. John's Shooting Club, Chairman of St. John's Rates Assessors, Centenier St. Holier and St. John (10years). President Bonne Nuit Boat Owners
Having received a petition for a pre-school play ground, I was able along with others to find a suitable site at the Church, this has now been in place for a number of years. Parents of Clos de l'Ecole were very concerned that their children had to use a busy main road to walk to school, and finally after negotiations, the children can now walk safely from their homes along a purpose built pathway to the school. I also took to the States a Report and Proposition to reduce the speed limit through the Village and was successful, as yet, this has not been fully implemented, I along with others was also able to persuade the States to re-zone land at Sion for first time buyer homes. Another success was to extend mains drains in a number of areas in the Parish as well as successfully introducing Parish road names.
Long-term plans for both St. John and Sion villages, as well as other parts of tile parish are necessary. These would be drawn up after meaningful consultation on all the needs of St. John, achieved through as many Parish assemblies as necessary, involving the input of all interested parties, resulting in a blue print for the future of "the parish". Some measures I feel needed are: traffic calming, more parking, lay-bys, extension to Maison Le Vesconte. Furthermore the Bus service in St John's is limited, additional services are required and if elected I would review these with the Bus Company to seek improvements.
Having been opposed to the intended plan for a bypass and significant development at the heart of our parish, I will do all I can to prevent this type of urbanization from happening. We have several sites within the parish that are already zoned for housing, I feel that these and suitable brown field sites need to be developed prior to any additional rezoning of green fields.
The Youth Club intend to develop a permanent home within the Recreation Centre. I endorse these plans and look forward to working alongside them to ensure that these exciting prospects are delivered to the youth of the Parish as soon as possible.
Recreation Centre
There was growing concern over the movement of the Centre. I was pleased that the Trustees decided to issue a new lease, albeit with more accountability included. I believe that the plans being worked on at present should enable the centre to move forward, eventually enabling both accommodation and the introduction of a catering facility at the Centre.
The current recycling initiative is working well, I believe that it could be expanded upon by linking it with neighbouring Parishes, this ensures that volume for processing becomes more viable. With some of the best scenery on the Island, I would propose that we start an "adopt a lane" scheme to ensure that our lanes are maintained and even improved..

Government Reform
The introduction of Ministerial government hasn't arrived without its problems. During the recent Senatorial Elections it was made apparent that States Members aren't given sufficient information from the ministers. My ability of getting information into the public domain is well known and I am surprised that members haven't used Questions to ministers more appropriately, to retrieve the necessary information. We need to revisit Clothier to ensure that we have a fully democratic and more transparent system of Government. I would bring a report and proposition to the house, reviewing Ministerial government, with a view to having four year terms of office with all members of the states being elected on the same day.
I would support the removal of GST from Food, Children's clothing and Fuel. This should be funded from existing budgets without the need to reduce services. Areas that savings could be made on, include the excessive use of external consultants, as well as the continued use of spin doctors to name but two.
Island Infrastructure
Our main roads are currently in a poor condition. 20 years ago many millions of pounds were spent per annum on road re-surfacing; today that figure is around 10% of the original sum. Many of the States owned properties are in disrepair and need real investment, if elected I would pursue proper investment in these areas.
Previously I took to the States a Report & Proposition on increasing the funding on mains drains extension. As well as amending a law on speed control for commercial heavy vehicles near the school and parish hall. Regularly I took on the role of scrutiny by asking questions, having got the Home Affairs Committee to amend the proposed draft on Police procedures and Criminal evidence law. This contained detail of Freedom of the Press, bringing Jersey more in-line with UK procedures. I have always been ready to fight for what I believe to be right, I have also represented Jersey at talks in Guernsey, White Hall,. the French Senate and the House of Deputies in the National Assembly in Paris. I have also spoken at the Normandy Regional assembly on matters to do with transport.
Many people will know me for my persistent questioning of State's members. I did far more than that, gaining wide experience of States departments and how they work. I served on a number of committees, including being vice president of several. I DO have experience of Scrutiny as I chaired the Shadow Scrutiny Panel on waste.
I believe I can give you more of my time and devotion to the Parish -1 now ask you to place your confidence in me and give me your vote, I repeat my promise, "to do my best and work hard for the people of St. John"

Thank you for your time and continued support,
Phil Rondel.

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