Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Budget and other items

These tax amendments were lodged by James Reed, Deputy St Ouen, but were defeated.

"except that income tax exemption thresholds for the year of assessment 2009 shall be increased by 6.4% rather than by 5% as proposed by the Minister".

"except that the progressive withdrawal of income tax allowances and reliefs as part of the '20 means 20' proposals approved by the States on 18th July 2006 shall be suspended for one year with no withdrawal for the year of assessment 2009".


It is interesting that there does not seem to have been a divide as on GST on what might be called quasi-party lines.

For the proposal included a mixed bag, only one Constable in favour, but not as might be expected, Simon Crowcroft :

Senator Leonard Norman
Connétable Kenneth Alan Le Brun
Deputy John Alexander Nicholas Le Fondré
Deputy Alan John Henry Maclean
Deputy Shona Pitman
Deputy Juliette Gallichan
Deputy Ian Joseph Gorst

Against were the "usual suspects" , some of the GST lot, but also surprisingly Carolyn Labey:

Senator Terence Augustine Le Sueur
Senator Philip Francis Cyril Ozouf
Senator Terence John Le Main
Senator Ben Edward Shenton
Senator Frederick Ellyer Cohen
Deputy Sarah Craig Ferguson
Deputy Sean Power
Deputy Carolyn Fiona Labey
And the following left as their final legacy, a vote in which they had a last chance to help or hinder the electorate.

Deputy Peter Nicholas Troy
Deputy Gerard Clifford Lemmens Baudains

Senator Michael Edward Vibert
Deputy Jacqueline Jeannette Huet
Deputy Celia Joyce Scott Warren
Deputy Guy William John de Faye
 Deputy Andrew David Lewis
Senator Frank Harrison Walker 

Personally, I think those leaving the house, for and against, should have abstained. To vote on legislation at the 11th hour seems a kind of indecent haste, in case the new lot should think differently. Kinnard was excused attendance, the only person leaving the States who seems to have realised that legislation should not be enacted with furious haste in the last days of the old house.

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