Monday, 12 January 2009

Word and Act

Jersey's new Council of Ministers has vowed to make spending cuts its top priority. Chief Minister Terry Le Sueur says they're determined to make all possible savings and efficiencies and won't approve any extra spending unless it's matched by savings or income. Ministers have just completed two days of talks to shape up a new three-year plan for government. It's not yet cut and dried - all States members will have a say later this month.

These two days of talks involved ministers alone. No assistant ministers were present. This despite the fact that Terry le Sueur has stated his objecting of getting a greater interaction and involvement in assistant ministers in his speeches when trying for the role of Chief Minister.

"One aspect of the first three years of Ministerial Government which might be improved upon is the role of Assistant Ministers.", he said in his nomination speech, and he later mentioned that a greater interaction between Ministers and Assistant Ministers would be his preferred way forward.

Unfortunately, his words and actions don't seem to tally very well at the moment. No assistant ministers were present at the two days of talks, which is not an auspicious start, I would have thought, to giving them greater involvement!

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