Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Jersey Overseas Aid Celebrations - Notes for the Diary

Some good events on the calendar - anyone is free to attend most of the events - I've highlighted those for ease of use.

This has been passed on to me by Ed Le Quesne and comes from Deputy Ian Gorst, Chairman of the Overseas Aid Commission and Jean A Le Maistre, Chairman, President, Jersey One World Group:

We have attracted wonderful sponsorship for the celebrations, which will give us the opportunity to raise significant funds to support Jersey charities working in a number of developing countries.  
You will see that two events are "by ticket only" and the others are open to all and can involve family and friends. The aim is to have fun, raise awareness about the needs of developing countries, let people know about the huge amount that Jersey has done and continues to do overseas and to inform Islanders about overseas aid opportunities for the future. 
The charities which are supporting us and will benefit from the weekend are:- Ecce Homo, Mustard Seed, Help an African Schoolchild, WASOT-UK, Hands Around the World, Ngora Trust, Island Aid for World Children, Mifumi Project Uganda, St Matthew's Kenya Project, St Clement's Church Kenya Project, Christian Unity Group, Jersey Side by Side, Gambia Schools Trust, Kisumu Orphans Education Fund  and Tear Fund.
3.00pm Grand Reception at Government House for Jersey Aid Ambassadors -by ticket only.  We are very grateful to His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor and his staff together with assistance from the Rotary Club, together with generous sponsorship from the Channel Islands Co-op for this event.  300 tickets already taken the separate form for tickets.
6.30pm Big Picnic in the Park (Howard Davis Park) with musical entertainment. Bring your own picnic, drinks, rugs, etc. A great opportunity for the entire Island to show support for the Aid Programme. This is a FREE event but with a bucket collection to support the work of the charities.
10.00am  Service at St Mark's Church with  a team from UK Tear Fund Team who introduced Jersey to
the very successful Work Projects programme.  This OPEN TO ALL.
2.00pm   "Walk for Water" organised by the Lion's Club in aid of a clean water project in Malawi.
Probably more of a stroll from St Helier to St Aubin and back!  The more the merrier!  Open to all.
7.30pm   Grand Dinner. "Eating Around the World" at the RJA & HS Showground - Caterers Jersey Potteries. Opportunity for charities to "showcase" the work they are doing.  Ticket only event. (£25.00
We already know that a good number of volunteers will be travelling back to the Island especially for the celebrations (even from as far as Australia!) so it will be a great time to renew friendships and enjoy all the events.  Please return the booking form on the next page as soon as possible to enable us to send you tickets.  Also please send payment ASAP for the meal with cheques made payable to "The Jersey One World Group".
These all promise to be great events and we hope you will wish to celebrate the part you have played in bringing compassion to communities overseas and the huge success spanning forty years of the Jersey work projects.
We are looking forward to hearing from you.

INFORMATION ABOUT THE "Walk for Water"  Sponsored walk - Sunday 29th August 2.00pm.
Malawi has a population of 13 million.  Over half live below the poverty line and most live in rural areas. Lack of access to water and sanitation has greatly increased risks to illnesses. In 2008 over 5,000 confirmed cases of cholera were reported across the country and 140 people died. Diarrhoea, dysentery, and typhoid fever affect many people in the rural areas.
The rural communities of the Chikwawa and Nsanje districts of South Malawi often struggle due to the problems of inadequate sources of safe water, non-functional water points, lack of health awareness and training and poor hygiene and sanitation. The goal is to reduce the prevalence of water and sanitation related diseases through provision of clean drinking water, improved hygiene and sanitation services for 4,500 people in these areas.
The cost of drilling one new deep borehole is £5,800. Rehabilitating 10 boreholes and training 10 water management committees also costs around £5,800. One borehole will serve, on average, 250 people from a number of neighbouring villages with fresh, clean water.
Our target is to raise at least £12,000 through this sponsored walk.



I wish to attend the Grand Dinner on Sunday 29th August   and require _________tickets and enclose payment of £25.00 per person (Payable to the "Jersey One World Group").


I wish to attend the Picnic in the Park   YES       NO       and also hope to bring friends    YES         NO


Please send me a sponsorship form for the "Walk for Water".  (Should you require more, please copy.)




Full name ..................................


Postal address....................................


............................Post Code.........


Home telephone number.............Mobile...............


E-mail address...................................


I am able to offer help before the events      YES            NO


Please return this form as possible (with payment if applicable) to:-


Karen Nisbet

Jersey Overseas Aid Commission,

The Homestead,

La Rue de la Fontaine,

St Peter,



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