Thursday, 20 December 2012

It's Not the End of the World Show

Another Year for 'Doomsday' Chatter. In an article entitled "The Talmud Says, Death to Those Who Calculate the End of Days, but That Hasn't Stopped Jews and Non-Jews from Trying. Here Are a Few Notable End Time Predictions That Never Came to Pass", Sara Breger, writing in the Magazine "The Moment", lists ones that never happened. Tomorrow, will be no different, unless my cold finishes me off in the night!

Here Are a Few Notable End Time Predictions That Never Came to Pass:
After his tailed 1944 prediction, Harold Camping gave it another try-and declared the Rapture would take place on May 21, later revising his prediction to October 21.
The cult Heaven's Gate thought this was the year Earth would be "recycled." According to them the only way to survive was to leave Earth and get to the "Next Level" via mass suicide.
Since its inception, Jehovah's Witnesses, a Millenarian Christian denomination, have prophesized this year to inaugurate Jesus' reign as king--the beginning of the End.
Rooted in the Zohar, the expectation that the Messiah would come in the Jewish year 5600 was widely accepted, as documented in letters and books Persia to England.
Based on an interpreted passage in the Zohar, this year was greeted with mass Messianic fervor. In the wake of the devastating Chmielnicki pogroms, Jews were prepared to read that slaughter as the "birth pangs of the Messiah."
Using complicated numerical equations, the commentator Rashi computed verses from the book of Daniel and the years of Israel's slavery, recorded in Exodus, to predict the Messiah's arrival.
Pope Innocent III predicted the Second Coming based on the date of Islam's inception + 666--the mark of the devil.
According to some Jewish commentaries, a combination of the Jewish calendar cycles and biblical numerology forecasted the Messiah to arrive in the Hebrew year 4856.
Some ancient Romans saw the eruption of Mount Vesuvius--which people thought was divine--and the destruction of Pompeii as sign of the world's end.
The Mayan calendar's 5,125-vear cycle ends December 21--hitting the reset button on the world.
The mass hysteria of the impending millennial apocalypse due to the Y2K bug left people stock-piling food and hoarding water.
Radio evangelist Harold Camping wrote a book entitled 1994? predicting the Rapture in September of that year.
Christian preacher William Miller, whose teachings led to die Seventh-Day Adventist denomination, predicted that Jesus would come first un .March 21 and then. October 22. In an event that is new called "The Great Disappointment." 50,000 Millerites prepared for the Second Coming, many selling their property and possessions and quirting their jobs in order prepare themselves.
Many Londoners feared this year because of its numerology of 1000 + 666, the mark of the Beast, prophesized in the Book of Revelation. Their fears seemed to be confirmed when, the year before, a plague wiped out: about 100,000 people, a fifth of London's population. Then on Sept. 2, 1666, the (Treat. Fire of London broke out, burning more than 13,000 buildings and destroying tens of thousands of homes.
Anabaptist prophet Melchior Hoffman. predicted Jesus' return--a millennium and a half after the date of his execution--to Strasbourg, Germany. Hoffman died in jail m 1543.
The Taborites, a group in what was then Bohemia that attempted both religious and political separation from the Catholic Church, were: confident that, the Second Coming of Christ would occur in February of that year. When it failed to arrive, the group went on a killing spree to "purity the earth."
The end of the 6th millennium, according to the Jewish calendar, brought about high messianic expectations.
The 1,000th anniversary of Christ's death left many anticipating the Second Coming.
Zoroastrians awaited a cosmic battle between, good and evil in which a savior would come and cleanse the world of death And suffering-They are still waiting today.

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