Monday, 2 September 2013

Journeying with Rev and The Vicar of Dibley

Journeying with Rev and The Vicar of Dibley / Making the Transition to University

Today’s blog is about a couple of events on the St Brelade’s Festival of Spirituality Programme, which takes place on the week from Wednesday 18th – Sunday 22nd September 2013.

I’ve already looked at the play from the Edinburgh Fringe “The God particle” here:

The events described below are being led by Jo Mulliner, and I can recommend them as lively and amusing. The first session is very much for anyone, while the second will be of particular interest to anyone going away to University.

Jo is pictured above, but the picture which I took today is cropped so you can’t see her rather amusing shorts. As someone commented on Facebook “a green T shirt, polka dot shorts and flip flops were not quite the attire we were expecting the Rev to wear”  The photo shows the green T shirt, but you’ll have to imagine the shorts.

I should mention that she can dress more formally if the occasion demands!

Wednesday 18 September
7pm – Life’s Vicissitudes!
Join Festival-goers for a Supper-in-a-Box and a joyous exploration of life – its upsand downs, ins and outs – led by Jo Mulliner with help from The Vicar of Dibley and Rev. In St Brelade’s Church
Hall. Tickets £14 each from the Arts Centre.

This is an evening of “Supper in a Box” with funny clips

Let by Jo Mulliner, exploring through laughter and fellowship, and famous TV vicars:

What do vicars do?
What do we all do as Christians?
Why has God asked us?
What does God want from us?
Why is life sometimes so complex?
And not…

Laughter is a great medicine and such fin. So come and join this event on the evening of 18th September.

Saturday 21 September
12 noon-2pm – Transitions: The Further Adventures of Horace and Florrie
(including lunch).

Moving from school to further study or into work. Jo Mulliner leads experiences to share – information for mid- to late teens in the Upper Room ofSt Brelade’s Church Hal..

This looks at transitions to University, as Jo shares her experiences in England, and looks at sharing what she has learned about

Travelling safely and in style – without your parents needing a second mortage on their home
Making college accommodation seem homely
Settling in without your neighbours thinking you are made (very difficult)
Food – or not! Coping with college “catering” and being polite
Missing friends, and keeping in touch
Making new friends and having fun
Stretchy budgets
Career planning

Sandwich and cake supplied

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