Sunday, 29 November 2015

Ecological Exodus

This is from "The Pilot", 1970, and shows how even back then some people were raising awareness of how we were already misusing the environment.

Ecological Exodus

In the end, there was the Earth, and it was with form and beauty. And man dwelt upon the lands of the Earth and he said 'Let us build our dwellings in this land of' beauty.' And he built cities and covered the Earth with concrete and steel. And the meadows and the trees were gone and man said, ‘It is good'.

On the second day, man looked upon the waters of the Earth and man said, 'Let us put our waste in our waters and the dirt will be washed away.' And man did. And the waters, the rivers and the lakes, became polluted and foul in their colour and smell. And man said, 'It is good.'

On the third day, man looked upon the forests of the Earth and saw that they were beautiful. And man said, 'Let us cut the timber for our homes and grind the wood for our use'. And man did. And the lands became barren and the trees were gone. And man said. 'It is good'.

On the fourth day, man saw that the animals were in abundance and ran in the fields and played in the sun. And man said. 'Let us cage these animals for our amusement and kill them for our sport.' And man did. And there were no more animals on the face of the earth. And man said, 'It is good'.

On the fifth day, man breathed the air of the Earth. And man said, 'Let us dispose of our wastes in the air for the winds shall blow them away'. And man did. And the air became heavy with smoke and dust. The sun could not be seen and the winters became long and cold. And man said, 'It is good'.

On the sixth day, man saw himself: and seeing the many peoples, their languages, their cultures and their colours, he feared and hated. And man said. 'Let us build great machines and bombs': and the Earth was fired with the rage of great wars. And man said, 'It is good'.

On the seventh day, man rested from his labours and the Earth was still for man no longer dwelt upon the Earth. And it was good

(From the Canadian Churchman)

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