Sunday, 21 February 2016

40 days and 40 items - Easter Appeal

It's not the first day of Lent, but it is not too late to start this appeal, which was sent to me by Catriona Fern which I have put below.

In terms of giving, we feel so insignificant, but I think that's because we can't see the full picture. In the aftermath on 9/11, the late Stephen Jay Gould wrote this:

"Good and kind people outnumber all others by thousands to one. The tragedy of human history lies in the enormous potential for destruction in rare acts of evil, not in the high frequency of evil people. Complex systems can only be built step by step, whereas destruction requires but an instant. Thus, in what I like to call the Great Asymmetry, every spectacular incident of evil will be balanced by 10,000 acts of kindness, too often unnoted and invisible as the ''ordinary'' efforts of a vast majority."

Why not add to the total acts of kindness, and follow this appeal?


Love Thy Neighbour is a small local Christian charity that provides help and support to the long term homeless, the poor and those in need in our community.

We often receive donations of all types of items from kind members of the public (clothes, books, toys, household items etc) that we pass on to those in need, or occasionally sell to raise much needed funds for our charity.

Today, the first day of lent, we are asking if any members of the public would like to take part in our appeal and place one item (not just clothes as anything would be appreciated, no matter how small) aside for each of the forty days of lent and to gift them to our charity at the end of this period, so that we can expand the help that we are able to offer to those less fortunate?

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