Sunday, 24 April 2016

Do you know these words?

From "The Pilot", 1949, G.R. Balleine gave these definitions of Church terms:


BANNS OF MARRIAGE.-The public proclamation of an intended marriage for three Sundays in the Church of the parish in which each of the parties lives or habitually worships, in order that anyone who knows a " just impediment " to the marriage may make it known.

BAPTISM -The Sacrament “ordained by Christ Himself," by which a new member is `' grafted into the body of Christ's Church “by " water, wherein a person is baptized, In the -Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost."

BAPTISTRY-Part of a church set apart for the administration of Baptism.

BEATITUDES.-The eight declarations of blessedness made by our Lord at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount. “Blessed are the---."

BENEDICITE--A Canticle attributed in the Apocrypha to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the
fiery furnace, which may be used as an alternative to the Te Deum (during Lent and on other occasions.

BENDICITUS --The Song of Zacharias after the circumcision of St. John the Baptist, “Blessed be the Lord God of Israel” (Luke I: 68), used at Morning Prayer after the Second Lesson.

BIDDING PRAYER - An exhortation to pray for certain specific objects, sometimes used before the

BIRETTA.-A square cap often worn by clergy at outdoor functions.

BISHOP.-A clergyman consecrated to the highest rank in Holy Orders, Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, for the spiritual supervision of a diocese. Special functions reserved for him are Confirmation, the selection and Ordination of new clergy, the licensing and instituting of clergy to parishes, and the Consecration of new churches.

BLACK LETTER – Minor Festivals in the Prayer Book Calendar for which no collect is provided. In old calendars these were printed in black, while the Greater Festivals were printed in red.

CANON The Greek word for a rule or list. Used :

(a) for Clergy who are on the list of those attached to a Cathedral, e.g. Canon Le Marinell
 (b) Books on the list of those accepted by the Church as Scripture, the Canon of Scripture.
(c) The list of Saints accepted and canonized by the Church.
(d) Certain laws which govern the Church, e.g..The Jersey Canons of 1628.
(e) Hymn-tunes in which one group of voices repeat; the notes that another group has previously sung, (as in 'Three Blind Mice), e.g. Tallis’ Canon set to “Glory to Thee, My God, This Night”

CANTATE –The 98th Psalm, “O Come Let us Sing Unto the Lord”, used as an alternative to the Magnificat at Evening Prayer

CANTICLES – A name given to prose hymns such as the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis

CAROL – A glorious sacred song of a lighter and more popular type than a hymn. There are Eastertide Carols, and Ascension tide Carols as well as Christmas Carols.

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