Saturday, 2 July 2016

Attack at Ataturk

Attack at Ataturk

Remember the dead, the wounded, there
Terrorists bringing about the climate of fear
Screams, firing, suicide explosions sound
The dead, those maimed, just lie around
Death in Istanbul, and cruel fate just so
Mourn these and tell that all may know.

Umut was a customs officer, a brave man
Who sought to stop the terrorists’ plan
He shot one of the attackers, went to see
If the gunman was alive, for caring was he
But the suicide vest explode, and he died
Remember, remember, Umut with pride

Yusuf was among nine ground services staff
All killed in the attack, sifted like the chaff
Waiting for a bus, gunmen shot him dead
Cruel fate spins but then snaps the thread
To be married in ten days, his bride weeps
Only memories remain; those she keeps

Translator Ertan was with tourists at the time
When the clock struck the hour, deadly chime
And the attack occurred, and he lost his life
Murdered In this senseless brutal act of strife
Married with a child, a second three months due
Leaves a widow behind, hopes ahead they slew

Gulsen, twenty one, ground services crew member
Her life snuffed out like a flame in a dying ember
The week before she wrote that all war is futile
Little knowing that she would face this time of trial
She said there are no winners, only losers, in any war
“I resist against evil”, her words, and her last encore

Many more died, too many to count each by name
And given scant news worthiness, so to our shame
The lives and deaths of two hundred and eighty four
Each one a precious life, someone loved, no more
I tell the tale of but a few, and count this sad cost
Of such grief, and evil, and of such brief lives lost

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