Friday, 15 July 2016

Sic transit gloria mundi

First communicants and Father O'Regan at Our Lady Queen of the Universe 

From the 1956 “Catholic Herald”, comes a selection of “News from the Parishes”. 

There is a something melancholy on reading these ones for St Mary and St Peters in St Helier, St Teresa’s Church at La Moye, Our Lady, Queen of the Universe at Millbrook, and St Joseph at Grouville. They are so full of vitality, and they have vanished, almost without trace.

Here preserved in a written time capsule, is a snapshot of Catholic Churches which have ceased to function, and all have been demolished. They are all gone now, all closed, and all we have is the memory from these Parish reports so many years ago. But reading them now brings alive those congregations, the Parish events, the baptisms, marriages of funerals of a past era. Sic transit gloria mundi!



August was a quiet month in the parish, with large numbers of visitors swelling the congregations on Sunday mornings, and a few visitors forming practically the only congregation at weekday Wass. Every priest who comes here, whether to work in the parish or as a visitor, is shocked at having to say Mass on a week-day in an almost empty church.

Thanksgiving for tiie harvest: This event finds its place in all agricultural communities. More and more, on the continent, this Feast is being celebrated. We also, for the second time, will observe this day on Sunday 14th of October. Gifts of vegetables, fruit, flow-rs, etc. will be gratefully received, and after the celebration, will be taken to the Little Sisters of the Poor.

Marie Christine Robert: 19th August.
Jeannette Edna Le Guern: 26th August.
Jean Marie Riou and Lucienne Lucas, 11th August.
Raymond Huchet and Felice Eva Ahier, 23rd August.
John William Stanley and Rollande Heuze, 25th August.
Rose Mary Rondel, 3rd August. 74 years.
Mabel Lily Le Lerre, 27th August. 46 years.



We are indeed fortunate at St. Teresa's to have the musical talent and experience of Miss G. Webb at our disposal as organist and choir-mistress. Those interested in maintaining musical standards at the Church's services meet under her direction on the first Wednesday of each month at 8 o'clock. It is proposed to prepare sung Masses, plain-chant as well as part, for the greater feasts of the Ecclesiastical Year, and to widen the repertoire of chants and hymns for the ordinary Church Services. All voices, from soprano to bass are welcome, but at the moment the need is greatest among the lower registers. So come on, you men ! After the first tremulous notes you will gradually gain in confidence, and, we hope, in range also.

Rumour has it that the annual outing of the Legion of 'Mary is to take place early in September. All Active and Auxiliary members are cordially invited to take part in this trip. Destination, and other details, are to a great extent a question of reconciling the ambitions of the travel-minded with the resources of the youngest " Junior ", but by the time these notes appear in print, the fullest information will be available from Sister Butel, President of the Senior Pr.Tsidium, or from Sister Cronin, President of the Junior.

Tail-piece. A very small bov, overheard at the Holy Water Font on Sunday morning,- Daddy, you forgot to sprinkle me with scent And no doubt the Church's sacramentals are intended to attract the Angels and repel the Devil.


The Junior Legion of Mary is increasing and multiplying and filling the Sacristy. Since Sisters Annette and Catena Hamon and a stalwart from 1-lansford Lane joined recently the numbers are now well over twenty. But we all miss Sister Linehan, our ex-President who has gone back to Eire to a new post. We wish her well and hope to see her back in Millbrook some time.

Meanwhile Brother Le Cocq is coining to our rescue, and the Legionaries are responding very nicely. We are having a Garden Fete in September to raise funds for new seats. Actually we have two new seats installed as proto-types or samples of what we hope to have after the Fete. If things go according to plan and the weather is favourable, the congregation will be able to sit down in  comfort and kneel for hours without oedema of the tibia. Some of the seats we have at present are likely to cause oedema or whatever happens when one falls off a rickety chair.

In connection with the above Fete we had another meeting at Glenrose. Not all the members turned up so we decided to have another on August 2oth. The church grounds are gradually taking shape and in a few more weeks the place will be very presentable. Mr. McLinton and Mr. Le Feuvre are doing their best to level the humps and hollows. Even now cars can be parked inside the grounds.

Lastly a word of congratulations to the choir. Despite the fact that the response to the appeal for male voices was very mediocre, the choir shows very great promise and the school children are now alternating in singing the People's Mass. Mrs. Laiidick, 'Mrs. Le Sueur and Mrs. Stewart deserve great credit for persevering against great odds. There is a concord of sweet sound from the gallery at the sung mass.

P. Lowry, O.M.I.


Assumption: It must be admitted that the Feasts of Our Lady are well observed here ; so it was only natural that the Feast of Her Great Triumph should see Her children in great numbers at Mass on this day. The evening Mass was rendered more solemn, by everyone taking part in the singing of the Mass. After Mass, before they left the Church, nearly everyone paused by the Altar of Our Lady to pray to Her and beg Her protection.

Parish outing : As usual, St. Joseph was joined by Gorey on this occasion. In all we were 15 lorries : in fact it must be stated, there were more adults than children : it was a real family gathering. This event was held on the 23rd August. The long column of lorries left at 2.30, through the Southern Parishes, and made their way, by I'Etacq, to Saint Mathew's, where a number of ladies had worked hard to prepare a meal, and what a meal !

In the Church Hall, the tables were waiting for the 350 people, and decorated with the colours of St. Joseph's Club, presented a welcome picture to all the hungry people. Everyone having been served sports were held in the field opposite the Church. Everyone took part in the races, even the 3, and 4 years old. At seven o'clock, we left St. Mathew's, and returned, by the North Coast, to our different points of dispersal, at 9 p.m. This long awaited day came to an end, and all returned home happy and content.

Our heartfelt thanks are due to all those who helped to make this event such a success : to the
devoted organizers, to the good ladies for their great help ; a special word of thanks must be given
to the Fathers of St. 1MMlathew's Parish for the generous loan of their Hall, for the use of their
crockery, etc.

October : It is to be hoped that the Month of the Holy Rosary will be well observed, as in past years. Every evening, during this month, the Rosary will be recited at 8 p.m. In the present unsettled state of the world, our prayers must be more fervent. Our Lady, Herself, has given us the necessary arm : The Rosary. Through prayer we can do more for the world, than all the politicians. If each family was to make an effort to be represented by one member every evening. Our Lady, seeing our good will, would soon hear our prayers.

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