Friday, 9 September 2016

A Great Day for Judith Routier

My research and reading at the library reference session has found this rather remarkable and inspiring nugget of news from the Jersey Catholic Record of May 1974

A Great Day for Judith Routier, Now Sister Paul FCJ.
From Judith to Sister Paul F.C.J.

History was in the making on Wednesday April 3 1974, when Judith Routier became the first local girl to take temporary Vows as an F.C.J. Sister.

The Temporary Profession ceremony took place at St Mary and St Peter's church during a Mass concelebrated by the priests of' the island presided over by Canon Olncy. They were joined by two priests from the mainland, Father Michael Phelan and Father David Whitehead, both of whom had known the then Judith Routier during the periods they stayed in Jersey.

At the beginning of the Mass, Judith stood on the right of the sanctuary wearing the white veil of the novice.

After the Gospel and Sermon, the Superior of Convent F.C.J., Sister Mary, and Canon Olney, acting as official representatives of the F.C.J. Society and the Church respectively, took their place in from of the altar. Two other Sisters from the Community acted as witnesses, while Judith read the special formula of Temporary Profession in which she dedicated her life to the service of God and mankind as an F.C.J. Sister.

After the Profession she exchanged the white veil of a novice for the black one of a professed sister of the Society of the Faithful Companions of' Jesus, took the new name of Sister Paul, FCJ. and was then presented with copies of the rules and constitutions of the Order.

Among those who attended the service were Sister Paul's parents, who live in Palace Close St. Saviour, and pupils of the Convent F.C.J. where she had been a pupil and head girl. When she left school in 1971 she started her noviciate with other girls from various parts of the world, in the Mother House at Broadstairs, Kent. Here after two and a half years she decided to make her vows as an F.C.J. Sister.

Father Phelan preached the sermon stressing the relevance of' vows in the world of today and Mr Routier read one of the lessons. Special prayers were said for Sister Paul, her parents, the F.C.J. Community, and all present, that they would have the strength. courage and generosity to become more faithful Christians in whatever way of life they have chosen.

The singing was enriched by the Sylviidae Men's Choir, the Holmchase Group and the F.C.J. School Choir. A commentary on the meaning and symbolism of various parts of the service was given by Father Isherwood.

Afterwards, a reception was held at the Convent F.C.J., during which her many friends had an opportunity to congratulate Sister Paul and her parents.

The “Wedding Cake” is traditional. Alter making her profession to the religious life. Sister Paul cut her cake, just as a bride does after her wedding.

Her Future Plans

Sister Paul has now returned to Broadstairs to continue her studies. In September she will be going to Sedgley Park College, Prestwich, Manchester to begin her teacher training. She will at the same time be preparing for the day about six years from now, when she will he able to make her final commitment as a Sister of the Society of the Faithful Companions of Jesus.

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