Friday, 11 November 2016

Snippets from The Pilot, May 1967

My history piece today is gleaned from the pages of "The Pilot", the magazine of the Church of England in Jersey, and covers I think quite and interesting range of topics. I rather like the poem here too by Gladys Bastin: I wonder if it could be set to music. The look backwards to 1947 also considers the Rectors just before the reforms of 1948 when they and the Jurats left the States. And there is the odd joke as well!

Snippets from The Pilot, May 1967
Book review

It could only be someone with a very hard heart who could read “The Mountain that Moved” without tears. In this hook Edward England has written the story of Aberfan disaster: it is published by Hodder and Stoughton at 5s. The author was in the village during the days that followed the tragedy on October 21st, 1966.

The book opens and closes with reference to the Rev. Kenneth Haves, Minister of Zion English Baptist Church. who lost his son, Dyfrig, aged nine. In his sermon on the Sunday after the disaster Mr Hayes taught the few who could come together that morning that, "God did not send the agony. He did not cause the tip to slip, yet He used the suffering and the heart-ache as it was offered to Him. “The Mountain that Moved” is not only the tale of a tragedy which should never have happened. it is also a tribute to the courage of many men and women, those who suffered bereavement, those who did all that was humanly possible in their efforts to save life and those who ministered in a great variety of ways to ease physical, mental and spiritual sufferings. Clergy and ministers, priests, nuns and the Salvation Army stood side by side, united in one aim only, to give what help they could.

After the funeral service, before the trenches, the Rev. D. M. Jones, said: ''To us who falteringly seek to learn of Christ, came the discovery that we were meeting Him in Aberfan, and doing so in the strangest places and often in the most unlikely people." It is the same message which was given by the Bishop of Llandaff. "Sorrow brings us all together and bitter as its lessons are they do more to help us understand our fellow men than any others we can learn.”

Safe Landing

The Salisbury (Rhodesia) "Mustard Seed" tells the story or a hymn-sheet on which a line from hymn 397 of the English Hymnal, "Land me safe on Canaan's side" was misprinted "Land my safe on Canaan's side."

When the sheets were collected after the service it was seen that the mistake had been underlined by one member of the congregation, who had added the pencilled comment, "Brother, you can't take it with you"'

Pilot Circulation - As at 31 March 1967.

Note: the last published figures of the Pilot circulation appeared in the December, 1966 Issue, and referred to the circulation as at the 31st October. 1966. Since that date there have been various changes in Parish order, some have increased their circulation, other have suffered a decrease.

Overall, there has been a general rise.

St Helier 130 no change
St Ouen 113 increase
St Peter 112 no change
St Mark 110 decrease
St Andrew 109 no change
St Clement 105 increase
St Martin 102 increase
Gouray 95 no change
St Lawrence 86 decrease
Grouville 80 no change
Trinity 61 decrease
St John 60 increase
St Saviour 50 decrease
All Saints 43 decrease
St James 42 no change
St Mary 39 no change
St Matthew 38 decrease
St Simon 30 no change
St Paul 30 decrease
St Aubin 28 decrease
St Brelade 20 no change
Postal Subscribers 26
Counter Sales 70
Others 27

Total circulation: 1,687

COMMENT: A scrutiny of the above reveals that eight Parishes have increased their sales since the October review, whereas five Parishes show a decrease in sales. In nine Parishes there is no change.

St Helier remains at the 'top of the league' with a plateau sale of 130, St Ouen being the 'runner-up with 113. The most spectacular increase has been that of St Lawrence, which shows an increase of 14, while St John deserves an honourable mention with an increase of 9.

The biggest decrease is St Saviour which shows a drop of 14, but this is always to be expected if there is a long interregnum. With the arrival of a new rector, it is hoped that the figure will rise to its former 64 or more.

As before, the honours at the bottom of the list are awarded to St Brelade, which remains at a steady conservative 20! In view of the fact that the population of St Brelade is the third highest in the Island, can it be that only 20 households wish to subscribe to the Jersey Church Review?

Even taking into account the fact that St Aubin’s circulation (which forms a part of the parish) is 28. this still only brings up the figure to 48, twelve less than St John. with a population (according to the 1961 census of 1,500.

PRESS DATE: It is still necessary to remind contributors that the last date for the receipt of contributions is the 14th of the month. This applies no matter how important the news item, nor how exalted the contributor-the 14th means the last post on the 14th. Creeping stealthily up to the editor's letter-box at midnight is simply not, as they say, `on'!

Jersey-My Island Home

Oh, won’t you come with me
To an Isle beyond the sea?
Where a rockbound coast
And a sunlight strand
Lie far from the Motherland.

Oh won't you come with me
Where your heart forever will be?
Where the cry of the gull
And the song of the waves
Echo in deep sea caves.

Oh won't you come with me
Where hearts beat warm and free?
And the joy of earth and sky and sea
Blend their praises alone to Him
Who dwells in eternity.

- Gladys Bastin

Over Our Shoulders - Twenty Years Ago
The Pilot, May, 1947

For the last century the Rectors' position in the States has been criticized. In 1830, the Jersey Argus s wrote: - "It is to be regretted that the Rectors do not petition the Privy Council for their removal from the Legislature". Fifty years later, the Chronique said:-'The corps of Rectors is destined, we believe, shortly to disappear from the Chamber. If the future contains for them no political glories, it holds purer honour's in the fulfilment of their sacred vocation". In 1891, Deputy Durell moved that "the Rectors shall cease to form part of the Assembly." and there was a two days debate: but Dean Balleine turned the flank of the attack challenging Durell to produce a complete Reform Bill, not reform in penny numbers, expelling the Rectors today. The Jurats tomorrow. and the Constables in a month's time: and the motion was lost by 32 votes to 10.

Now, however, the Commissioners definitely recommend that the Rectors shall retire, and most Churchmen probably hope that they will. In these critical times, when the Church is battling for life against the advancing hosts of unbelief, every Parish Priest's work is a whole-time lob. We cannot spare our officers from the firing-line to waste precious hours discussing wharfage dues, tomato spraying, and the ways to attract more tourists. We hope to see our Rectors, not "kicked out of the States." but set free for higher duties.


Mr George Lunn who is on the staff of the S.P.C. K. and at present holds the post of Parish Relations Officer of the Society, will be visiting the Island from Thursday. May 18th to Monday-May 22nd. During his stay he will address-the Annual General Meeting at the Grand Hotel on Friday. May 19th. at 3.15 p.m. as well as preach on the Sunday May 21st at the following Churches: St Mark's 9.30 a.m.. St Helier, 11 am, and St Mary's 7 p.m.

Mr Lunn who has just returned from a World tour for the Society, will bring with him first hand and up to date knowledge of the Society's overseas work.

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