Friday, 24 February 2017

Sister Peter

Digging in the records, I came across this nice piece relating to Sister Peter from the 1970s Catholic Herald:

Some of Sister Peter's admirers

Everyone in the parish will be delighted to know that news has been received that Sister Peter has now arrived and settled in at the mission in the Congo.

She left from Le Bourget Airport late on Thursday evening September 27.

Sister Sylvia Bartlett drove her to the airport and saw her off. She had a pleasant flight, but Sister Sylvia was not so lucky, as on her return journey to Amiens, she had a puncture and at fifteen minutes past midnight had to change the tyre on her own, by the light of a torch. Congratulations Sister on being so practical and resourceful, so many of us wouldn't have had a clue how to do it.

We now await news of Sister Peter with eagerness. It was also very gratifying to read in the Evening Post, that the children of Halkett Place Primary School do not intend to forget her and that they have already collected £17 to send her for the mission.

Sister Margaret Bartlett

Many of you who knew Sister Margaret Bartlett will be pleased to know that she is now at La Sainte Union Training College studying for her teaching diploma.

A few weeks ago she was out on teaching practice in a school in Southampton, when a little boy asked her where she came from. She replied `From the Training College'.

`Oh Miss', he said, `What sort of animals do you train there'? Enough said, teachers please note.

A Tribute to Annie Parmeter by Pat Lucas and Sister Peter

I came across Sister Peter because my late partner, Annie Parmeter was very supportive of the work they did in the Congo. This comes from part of the tribute paid to her from Pat Lucas and Sister Peter, and the latter was still supporting work in the Congo:

Even when Annie's health began to deteriorate and she could no longer be an active member of the team her concern for those in greatest need of help never wavered. This was borne out a couple of summers ago on a lovely warm day when Annie had come to see us and we were all enjoying a cake and a cuppa in the garden. The conversation was about the wonderful work which the French Order of Nuns which Sister Peter belongs to was doing in the Congo.

Annie was interested to learn that the African and French Sisters working with the poorest people in several African villages, urgently needed funds to provide clean drinking water, food and medical supplies for those people who turned to them for help. We told her that Sister Marie-Françoise, the newly appointed Superior General of the Order, would soon be going over to the Congo herself to encourage, help and ensure the safe delivery of essential supplies.

Sister Peter explained that sick and dying people including pregnant women often walked for miles to get help from the Sisters. En route they sometimes lost a lot of blood. The great problem was that every bag of blood for transfusion cost approximately £3.50 - a sum of money way beyond the reach of the poorest. For this reason the Sisters were doing their best to raise enough money to buy the blood supplies themselves in order to be able to treat their very sick patients.

Annie was ready to help. That's Annie! Anyone who knew her will recognise the warmth and kindness which prompted her immediate response. A generous donation was made to Sister Peter there and then on the spot. Thank you Annie. We won't forget what you did.

Last Summer when Sister Marie-Françoise came to Jersey she was welcomed by Annie in her home. Sister Marie-Françoise was pleased to be able to thank Annie personally for her kindness. She'd even brought photos of the people of the Congo and the work the Sisters are doing there.

News from Jean Anderson

My final piece is from Jean Anderson, after Sister Peter had just died:

Sad news is always hard to give but we knew that you would want to hear from us straight away that Sister Peter died at 1o'clock this afternoon, Saturday. Her family were around her and we now know that she is out of her pain after a very difficult two weeks following her massive stroke. So many of you phoned asking about her and she was so touched to receive your kind wishes.

It is impossible to say how much Sister Peter has meant to so many people during the course of her life especially to those in greatest need.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful lady she is still remembered and greatly missed
