Thursday, 19 October 2017

And so to bed...

And so to bed... another collection of quotations from late at night.

And so to bed... quote for tonight is from Clement Attlee:

I stand here with this experience of Government to reaffirm my faith in democratic Socialism. We will never sacrifice the liberties won by our forefathers. It is social democracy which can set us free from the tyranny of economic power and preserve us, too, from the dangers of the absolute power of the State.

No one realises more clearly than I do that we have a long way to go yet to reach the Britain of our dreams and the world of our desires, and we believe that we shall get from all the people of this land hard work and courage to take us through the years ahead. For that hard work men and women need the inspiration of a great ideal. We are not ashamed to proclaim ourselves a party of ideal­ists inspired by a living faith in freedom, democracy, and social justice.

And so to bed... quote for tonight is from Rabbi Jay Michaelson:

Sadness is not an expression of the heart to be discarded in favor of those which are better. To believe that everything happens as it must is not to be fatalistic and cowed; it is not to believe everything happens for the best; it is to understand that sadness is part of the unfolding of the God Process. Praise God with it.

Even that which is not, apparently, for our best may be turned to an instrument of praise. Not by denying its painfulness, but by deeply seeing this soul, in this body, at this moment, as manifesting the unfolding of the One. The pain is real, and it is God.

And so to bed... quote for tonight is from Sidney Carter:

Coming and going by the dance, I see
That what I am not is a part of me.
Dancing is all that I can ever trust,
The dance is all I am, the rest is dust.
I will believe my bones and live by what
Will go on dancing when my bones are not.

And so to bed.. quote for tonight is from Ovid:

Gods of the sea and sky – since what is left but prayer? –
don’t shatter the ribs of our storm-tossed ship.
Often when one god presses, another brings help.
Fierce Neptune often challenged the cunning Ulysses:
Minerva often saved him from her uncle.
And however different I am from them,
who denies a power to me, against the angry god?
and won’t let my prayers reach the gods.

And so to bed... quote for tonight is from Sydney Carter:

Loud are the bells of Norwich and the people come and go
Here by the Tower of Julian I tell them what I know.
Ring out! The bells of Norwich,
and let the winter come and go.
All shall be well again, I know.

Love, like the yellow daffodil, is coming through the snow.
Love, like the yellow daffodil, it touches all I know.

Ring out, the bells of Norwich,
and let the winter come and go!
All shall be well again, I know.

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