Monday, 13 November 2017

Honorary Police Duties at Public Events

The 2008 report of the States of Jersey police had an excellent appendix on Honoray Police duties compiled by the late Vingtenier Mitch Couriard on behalf of the Comité des Chefs de Police . It can be reviewed at:

As that is nearly 10 years ago, I put in an FOE request for a similar document for major island duties in 2016. I think it speaks for itself on the tireless and exemplary dedication of honorary officers, and this is just public events.

I know, from officers themselves, of the many man-hours put in for Adrian Lynch, and this is not counting all their regular policing duties, Parish Hall enquiries, and the many hours spent by Centeniers in Court, as well as the professional training given to new recruits.

It is good sometimes to see in detail the work done by the Honorary Police.

Members of the Honorary Police assisted with many island and parish events in 2016 but, with the exception of two parishes, the hours on duty are not held.

The major island events included:

Liberation Day
Festival of Motoring
Dance World Cup Parade
Boat parade
Battle of Flowers Parade
Battle of Flowers Moonlight Parade
Jersey Air Display
Music Event/Reasons – Groove de Lecq
Gorey Fete
St Martin’s Bonfire
Folklore Festival
Big Gig
Spring Lifestyle Show
Jersey Live *
Race for Life 5K and 10K run
Durrell Run
Royal Visit
Jersey Marathon
Sea Cadet Run
Jersey Rally
Jersey Round Table Sleigh Run

* 35 honorary officers involved in traffic control duties in the surrounding area (see ‘Policing costs for events (FOI) issued 10 Oct 2017 by States of Jersey

Members of the Honorary Police also assisted at the 2016 by-election for Senator.

The Parish of St Helier holds information for April-December 2016 only and estimates 1,492.5 hours duty given by members of the Honorary Police in this period, the following events involved more than 50 hours:

The Boat Show April/May 2016 (63 hours)
Liberation Day May 2016 (90 hours)
Festival of Motoring June 2016 (175 hours)
Dance World Cup Event June 2016 (57 hours)
The Town Fayre July 2016 (72.5 hours)
Battle of Flowers and Moonlight Parade August 2016 (269 hours)
By-election September 2016 (68.5 hours)
Jersey Air Display September 2016 (82 hours)
Jersey Marathon October 2016 (66 hours)

The Parish of Grouville has estimated 151.5 hours at 8 island/parish events with 52 hours spent on road management at Gorey Fete.

Other Parish events which required a significant Honorary Police presence included:

St Peter – rugby club home matches
St Mary - Greve de Lecq Bonfire and Festival of Speed - Greve de Lecq hill climb
St Saviour – levee at Government House, garden party and open garden events.

1 comment:

  1. For what it is worth, 151 hours is almost exactly what one person working full-time hours of 37.5 per week does in a month, and the just under 1500 listed for St Helier is rather less than one person on the same hours would do in a year.
