Monday, 12 February 2018

The Gorst Line

The Gorst Line

The "Gorst Line" takes a look at the statistics regarding Ian Gort's votes in the States over the period 2015, 2016, 2017 and to January 2018.

It answers the question: how many times did other politicians vote the same way as the Chief Minister. There are several factors which skew the results.

1) Neither Sarah Ferguson nor Zoe Cameron served a full term; these are outliers. Other outliers to a degree would be Philip Ozouf and Scott Wickenden, neither of whom were Assistant Ministers for the whole time scale.

2) The issue of non-votes for En Default, Not Present for Vote, Absent (Excused), Illness - The Gorst Adjusted column shows what the votes would be if these were allocated on a proportional basis to the main votes. This may not be necessarily correct: non-present for vote has been used to avoid Collective responsibility, or possibly to avoid care inquiry votes where the Chief Minister was pressing for a unanimous vote, and got it - for those present for the vote.

3) The Constables votes are fairly evenly distributed, with perhaps a bias towards the COM line, but the closeness one would expect if there were a "block vote" is not apparent.

It should be noted - as Jeremy Macon pointed out to me - that a proportion of legislation passed is not controversial, and that is reflected in the fact that even Deputy Southern voted the same was as Ian Gorst on 170 occasions. However, despite that, an underlying pattern does emerge, in terms of votes of Reform, Ministers (MN) and Assistant Ministers (AM).

Among the Council of Ministers, they are all pretty close to Ian Gorst, except for Lyndon Farnham, who is also out on a limb when it comes to declaring himself as a candidate for Chief Minister. Quite how well someone could be as Chief Minister who distances himself from his colleagues is something for the electorate to decide.

Gorst Line Non-Vote Gost Adj Name
139 29 163 Sarah Craig Ferguson                              
93 76 135 Zoe Ann Cameron                                   
230 34 260 Samuel Yves Mezec                                 
171 101 234 Geoffrey Peter Southern                           
190 89 251 Montfort Tadier                                   
178 142 257 Michael Roderick Higgins                          
267 64 319 Judith Ann Martin                                 
272 70 328 Kevin Charles Lewis                               
324 21 344 Jeremy Martin Macon                               
344 7 351 Terence Alexander McDonald                        
316 37 349 Simon Muir Bree                                   
315 41 351 Christopher Hugh Taylor                           
241 121 322 Russell Labey                                     
241 130 325 Louise Mary Catherine  Doublet                    
314 66 369 Jacqueline Ann Hilton                             
249 131 335 Sadie Anthea Le Sueur-Rennard                     
234 147 324 John Alexander Nicholas Le Fondre                 
311 71 369 Carolyn Fiona Labey                               
298 108 377 Andrew David Lewis                                
366 42 404 Tracey Anne Vallois                               
410 6 416 Robert David Johnson                              
352 69 410 John Edward Le Maistre                            
302 125 390 AM Scott Michael Wickenden                           
376 52 422 Philip Bond Le Sueur                              
276 155 375 Alan Simon Crowcroft                              
352 81 418 AM Peter Derek McLinton                              
374 60 426 Michael John Paddock                              
340 99 417 Juliette Gallichan                                
440 3 443 Michel Philip Sydney Le Troquer                   
441 3 444 AM Graham John Truscott                              
317 128 408 Richard John Renouf                               
374 75 436 Leonard Norman                                    
359 93 433 AM Deidre Wendy Mezbourian                           
371 83 439 AM John Martin Refault                               
379 80 445 MN Lyndon John Farnham                               
335 124 426 AM Stephen William Pallett                           
400 60 452 AM Murray Julian Norton                              
264 197 377 AM Philip Francis Cyril Ozouf                        
145 320 245 AM Richard John Rondel                               
292 177 402 MN Sir Philip Martin   Bailhache                     
385 84 454 MN Stephen George Luce                               
372 98 450 MN Alan John Henry Maclean                           
414 58 465 MN Anne Enid Pryke                                   
407 67 465 MN Edward James Noel                                 
406 68 464 MN Kristina Louise Moore                             
420 54 468 MN Susan Jane Pinel                                  
403 72 464 MN Roderick Gordon Bryans                            
456 21 476 MN Andrew Kenneth Francis  Green M.B.E.              
411 68 469 AM Paul Francis Routier M.B.E.                       
486 0 486 CM Ian Joseph Gorst                                  

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