Thursday, 15 March 2018

And so to bed

And so to bed... my regular Thursday compilation of night time quotes, with pictures added.

And so to bed... quote for tonight is from Tom Wright:

To Athens, then, they came, searching, searching, for wisdom, virtue, truth; to see what others, stumbling in darkness, could not see. Athene welcomed them; and, as symbol for their quest, the master of night-vision, at her side, bestowed his owlish blessing on their labours. 

And so to bed... quote for tonight is from Charlotte Eriksson:

I am the way a life unfolds and bloom and seasons come and go and I am the way the spring always finds a way to turn even the coldest winter into a field of green and flowers and new life. 

And so to bed... quote for tonight is from Albert Camus:

Don’t walk in front of me… I may not follow
Don’t walk behind me… I may not lead
Walk beside me… just be my friend 

And so to bed... quote for tonight comes from George Eliot:

Mighty is the force of motherhood! It transforms all things by its vital heat; it turns timidity into fierce courage, and dreadless defiance into tremulous submission; it turns thoughtlessness into foresight, and yet stills all anxiety into calm content; it makes selfishness become self—denial, and gives even to hard vanity the glance of admiring love. 

And so to bed... quote for tonight is from Ken Dodd, when in hospital earlier this year: 

I have had a lot of time to think and, because this is a place which cares for people and makes them better, a wonderful thought came to me – ‘an ounce of help is worth a ton of pity’. 

And so to bed... quote for tonight is from Zeina Kassem:

Our dead become the photographs and words we hang on the walls, but they also hang on the walls of our hearts, the windows of our lips, and the sobs in our voices. 

And so to bed.. quote for tonight is from Alan Bell (adapted from Bill Owen):

Now perfumes of earth and vine
Of meadows when the rain has gone
These friends with their black armbands on
Salute his summer wine.

The fullness of the life that slipped
The other day all mortal pain
Free now to roam fresh hills and lanes
And taste eternal wine.

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