Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Easter Day by John Masefield - Part 3

I'm having a break from my blog for the Easter holidays, and so here is something I prepared earlier. It is the third of four parts of a transcript of an Easter play by John Masefield (best known for "The Box of Delights"), published in 1929. Other parts will follow in the week. Like his Christmas play, this is quite non-traditional and imaginative.

Parts 1-2 here:

Easter Day by John Masefield - Part 3
(The stone is rolled back, the ANIMA CHRISTI appears)

O God, my Peace, on whom my hope was fixt,
To Whom, in agony, my thought did strive
The while I drank the cup my coming mixt,
Thou hast maintained me out of hell alive,
Out of the strangling bonds that suffered so,
This flesh I brother still, for all its scars,
I step to Life unspeakable and know
The primrose and the night-wind and the stars.

The cock that crowed for Peter ends the night,
O benediction of the morning's change,
Out of the eastern darkness light on light,
Mountain on mountain gleaming, range on range.

O Brother Men, who suffered at my side,
Come with me to this freedom, to befriend
The friendless, the abhorred, the crucified,
And make their spirits steadfast to the end.

I will come with you, but I am not used
To this same happiness that thrills me through,
I am all lapped in dying and bemused,
Yet I shall conquer this and follow you.

I will not follow you, for I belong
First to my tribe that ride the desert sand,
Counting the townsman's right a cruel wrong
And righting what we suffer spear in hand.
And I shall go to where my people are,
There in their tents beside the picket pins
Whereat the tethered stallions squeal and jar
And the drowsed camels cud the thorny whins.

I, whom my body thwarted, now behold
New wonders ; for new powers enter me
As rain that fills a channel, and the old
Is like Time's dust that spots eternity.


Sing, for the thing that was
Is withered like the grass,
Death's dominations pass
And life increases.

Sing, because Man receives
This April of green leaves
Whose living impulse cleaves
The rocks in pieces.

Sing, because Man receives
This Mercy that reprieves,
That blesses and relieves
And lifts and lightens.

Sing, because Man is given
This Peace of sins forgiven,
This gateway into Heaven
That burns and brightens.

Wherever hearts grow faint,
Where sinner stands, or saint,
Confounded by constraint
With courage reeling,
To such Myself will come
To stay their martyrdom,
Strength to the failing some,
To the sick, healing.

I hold the gates ajar :
O Man, the things that are
Are wondrous, star on star,
Glory on glory,
Mind on triumphant mind,
A new-made human kind,
Follow and you shall find
I go before ye.

(During and after this singing the ANIMA CHRISTI and DISMAS and
GESTAS pass back into the Quire.)

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