Thursday, 13 September 2018

And so to bed

Another collection of choice quotes with which I sign off each day on Facebook.

And so to bed... quote for tonight is from T.H. Huxley:

In matters of the intellect, follow your reason as far as it will take you, without regard to any other consideration. And negatively: In matters of the intellect, do not pretend that conclusions are certain which are not demonstrated or demonstrable. That I take to be the agnostic position, which if a man keep whole and undefiled, he shall not be ashamed to look the universe in the face, whatever the future may have in store for him.

And so to bed... quote for tonight is from Stephen Hawking:

One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Perfection simply doesn't exist.....Without imperfection, neither you nor I would exist.

And so to bed... quote for tonight is from Nick Lake:

I'm here to tell you that if you get broken, it's possible to put yourself back together. I'm here to tell you that if you get lost, it's possible that a light will come, dancing, on the horizon, to lead you home.

And so to bed... quote for tonight is from C.S. Lewis:

The Earth's disc was nowhere to be seen; the stars, thick as daisies on an uncut lawn, reigned perpetually with no cloud, no moon, no sunrise to dispute their sway. There were planets of unbelievable majesty, and constellations undreamed of: there were celestial sapphires, rubies, emeralds and pin-pricks of burning gold; far out on the left of the picture hung a comet, tiny and remote: and between all and behind all, far more emphatic and palpable than it showed on Earth, the undimensioned, enigmatic blackness.

And so to bed... quote for tonight is from William Blake:

The moon like a flower
In heaven's high bower,
With silent delight,
Sits and smiles on the night.

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