Saturday, 16 March 2019

Fragmented Lives

This poem reflects on the events in New Zealand, and the terrible attack by a gunman on the Muslims attending worship at their mosques.

Fragmented Lives

The gunfire broke out, the killing time
A madman on the loose, and no rhyme
Or reason for the many, many dead
Cut down, screaming, as they fled
Always excuses, justification given
By the killers, and so mad, so driven
But there is no excuse, no reason why
So many people just had to die
Massacre of the innocent, all slain
And forever here the mark of Cain
The blood cries out, in sorrow, tears
Mourning dead children, lost years
They came to celebrate and rejoice
Give praise to Allah, joyful voice
Until a discordant note is heard
Gunshots silence prayerful word
Shouts, scream, frightened yell
Flowers lie by where they fell
Men, women, children, dying, dead
Fickle fates now cut the thread
And in a heartbeat, joy no more
Like bleached bones upon a shore
Enshroud the fallen with your prayers
Wash the sorrow with your tears
And light a candle, mourn, weep
In sorrow, let your vigil keep.

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