Friday, 8 March 2019

The Election of 1948 and events in that month

Today's history includes some adverts from the 1949 Almanac, and a list of the States members during 1948, as well as a list of events during the significant election night of 1948.

1948 - the States

Bailiff:-Sir Alexander Moncrieff Coutanche,
Dean: The Very Rev. Matthew Le Marinel. M.A.
Attorney-General:- Cecil Stanley Harrison.
Solicitor-General:- Ralph Vibert
Receiver of His Majesty's Revenues.-Major R. E. B. Voisin

The Twelve Senators :

Ph. Le Feuvre
F. Le Quesne
C. Le Gallais.
C. H. B. Avarne
H. Le R. Edwards
J. Le Marquand *
G. P. Billot *
W. J. J. Collas *
N. G. Bind *
Ph. Le Quesne.
Ed. Le Quesne
C. P. Rumfitt.

(* former Jurats)

The Twelve Constables

H. Le F. Grant, St. Helier
S. G. Crill, St. Clement
F. Le Boutillier, St. Ouen
T. P. Mourant. St. Saviour
T. G. Le Marine], St. John;
H. E. Le Rossignol, St. Brelade ;
R. de Gruchy, St. Martin ;
S. England, Grouville
John Wesley Baudains, St. Lawrence
J. du Val, St. Peter
J. E. Cabot, Trinity ;
Vacant (St Mary)

The Twenty-eight Deputies :
Messrs. J. Le Marquand, jnr.. T. Le B. Pirouet, G. A Candlin and E. W. Hettich (1st Electoral. District)
W. H. Krichefski, G. Toy, Mrs. A. Forster and Mr. D. W. Ryan (2nd Electoral District)
Messrs. C. G. Farley, S. J. Venables, C. Le Marquand and C. P. Journeaux (3rd Electoral District),
Ph. Syvret, E. H. Le Brocq and P. Gallichan (St. Savour)
E. Slade (St. Martin),
E. Huelin and H. H. Morrison (St. Brelade)
R. F. Le Brocq and J. E. Gaudin (St.. Clement)
H. W. Maillard and E. R. Le Cornu (St. Lawrence),
W. J. Bertram, B.E.M. (Grouville)
J. J. Le Marquand, jnr. (St. Ouen),
J. O. Arthur (St. Mary)
J. B. Michel (St. Peter)
P. Le Vesconte (St. John)
C. E. Cabot (Trinity).

Note: St Brelade had only 2 seats and was not split.

Some Notable Events in the Election Month: December 1948

1.-Messrs. R. F. Le Brocq and J. E. Gaudin elected unopposed as Deputies for St Clement.
St. John Deputyship: Mr. Ph. Le Vesconte re-elected.

2.-Final States session: Old Age Pensions Bill adopted; Housing Laws submitted
Jersey Cage Bird Society annual show.
Eisteddfod prize-giving concert at Town Hall.

4.-First post-war reunion dinner of Jersey Building and Allied Trades Federation.-
Poppy Day record again broken, this year's total being £4,515 0s. 7d.

6.-Mr. C. P. BilIot, retiring Constable of St. Martin, thanked for his services at parochial assembly.
7.-Field-Marshal Viscount Montgomery arrives on short unofficial visit.

8.-Election Day : sweeping Progressive Party victory in town, when the following ten out of twelve candidates were returned : , Messrs. J. Le Marquand, T. Le B. Pirouet, G. Candlin, E. W. Hettich, W. Krichefski, G. Troy, D. Ryan, C. Farley, C. Le Marquand and Mrs. A. Forster ;
Messrs. S. Venables and C. P. Journeaux were also elected.
St. Saviour: Messrs. P. Syvret and E. Le Brocq
St.Brelade: Messrs. E. Huelin and H. H.Morrison ;
St. Martin: Mr. E. Slade:
St. Ouen : J. J. Le Marquand.

(63 per cent. of the electorate voted).

9.-Departure of Field-Marshal Viscount Montgomery.
Jersey College for Girls Prize Day
St. Patrick's Church bazaar opened by R.C. Bishop of Portsmouth.

10.- Verdict of suicide returned at inquest held on the body of Henry Stephen Harding (46), found hanged at his residence at St. John
Non-arrival of petrol tanker causes emergency order to be issued.

11.- .Senators and Deputies sworn in at special sitting of Full Court..
Annual general meeting of R.J.A. and H.S.

12.-Mr. Denis John Hoxell (25), a visitor spending his honeymoon in the Island, swept off rocks at Le Mourier, St. John, and drowned.
Arrival of petrol tanker puts an end to the emergency.

13.--New House meets.: Presidents of Committees appointed
Leasing tenders approved ;
Work on St. Ouen's sea wall stopped
Damage to the extent of £1,000 caused by fire at fancy goods and toy shop in Halkett Place.

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