Friday, 17 May 2019

Lions Club Jersey - February 1971 - Part 4

My mother having a sort out of old bits and pieces came across a “Lions Club” magazine for Jersey, from February 1971, which has some interesting material in it. Here’s a selection and some of the advertising material.

Visit of the Sealed Knot

LION ADRIAN TROY provides us with these brief notes notes on the siege of Mont Orgueil Castle, a dramatic scene which will be enacted by some 150 members of the Sealed Knot on May 15th. This will take place at Gorey during the afternoon.

In the morning the battle for Elizabeth Castle will be witnessed from West Park sands.

15.00-THE SIEGE of 1643

a. The commentator will give the opening narrative and the Royalist defenders of Gorey Castle (Lady de Carteret and son Philip) will be seen entering the castle to salutes of the garrison.

b. Major Lydcott, the parliamentary Lt.-Gen. of Jersey then arrives with his forces and recces the castle, the guns fire at him and he retires, having failed to persuade Lady de C to surrender.

August, 1643.

c. A boat appears bringing supplies from Carteret for the castle.

d. Lydcott returns and invests the castle. Cannon fire is exchanged and then a determined sortie is made by the Royalists who overrun the parliamentary earthworks and capture Lydcott's guns.-

September, 1643.

e. Lydcott returns with more men and guns, seige resumed. f. The " reinforcements " are seen to arrive from France (a trick to deceive Lydcott). This deception is successful and there follows a strong sortie which drives Lydcott away and captures his guns, etc. Jersey is then free of parliamentary rule as Lydcott, Lempriere and others flee the Island.

October-November, 1643.


a. Captain George de Carteret has taken over command and imprisons Dean Bandinel and his son (they are seen being led to the castle in chains).-November, 1643.

b. The garrison make merry on the green, but someone discovers the body of Dean Bandinel-who had fallen to his death when escaping the previous night. -

February, 1644.


a. Prince Charles visits the castle with great ceremony. Royal salutes, etc.-April, 1646.

b. Prince Charles is proclaimed King Charles II.-June, 1646.

16.51-THE SIEGE OF 1651

a. Parliamentary Commander General Haynes arrives with large force of Roundheads, engines of war and many guns.

After a fierce bombardment, smoke is rising from the battlements and the Roundheads make their first assault with an engine of war at the main door. There are terrible casualties, the engine is set on fire and the Roundheads retire.

October, 1651.

b. The guns open fire again and soon the castle appears to be on fire (smoke pots) in many places. As columns of smoke rise from the battlements the Roundheads swarm forward to the cry " God and Parliament." Using scaling ladders they carry the outer defences and enter the castle. Firing then ceases and de Carteret surrenders with due ceremony. An article of Capitulation is signed. The Roundheads then enter the castle with all cannon etc. and the pageant ends as the great doors close behind them.


WE feel sure that all Lions will offer congratulations and best wishes for the future to Lion Mike Rumfitt on his appointment to the Board of Directors of the " Jersey Evening Post." Mike has occupied the " Hot seat " of News Editor in this newspaper for some years and his elevation to the Board is a well deserved honour.


AS we go to press we learn that President John Stilwell is not in the best of health. We all wish John a speedy return to normal.

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