Friday, 24 May 2019

The Jersey Blue Cross 1939 - Part 1

I happened across this copy of the "Official Magazine of the JSPCA" entitled "The Jersey Blue Cross", which dates from March 1939 and shows how long the JSPCA has been helping animals in Jersey.

This is also an opportunity to donate, and please consider either membership or a donation, either one off or monthly to help the work of the organisation. Please enjoy reading this and do consider donating in one way or another. 

The Jersey Blue Cross Magazine
March 1939
Official Magazine of the JSPCA

Birds Eye View of the Jersey Animals Shelter


A VERY warm welcome awaited our Chairman, Sir Robert Gower, M.P., when he visited Jersey in order to open the new Dogs' Hospital at the Animals' Shelter of the Jersey S.P.C.A.

The Chairman, who was accompanied by Captain Pulleine, Regional Organiser, was met at the quayside by Mrs. Coutanche, Mr. H. J. Baal, President of the Jersey S.P.C.A., Mr. N. Allport, the Honorary Treasurer, and Mr. H. E. Stephens, the Manager of the Animals' Shelter.

His Excellency the Lieut.-Governor, Major- General Sir Horace Martelli, was among those present at the opening of the Dogs' Hospital in the afternoon. Mr. Baal presided at the ceremony, which was very brief. Sir Robert was presented with the key of the hospital by the head nurse.

The party was then entertained to tea at the Pomme d'Or Hotel. The Bailiff, Mr. A. M. Coutanche, said that he had been entrusted with the very pleasant task of expressing a welcome to Sir Robert Gower on his first visit to Jersey. He thanked Sir Robert for having performed the opening ceremony, and said that they were very appreciative of his visit. He then asked the Lieut.-Governor to present Sir Robert with a silver key in appreciation of his kindness.

Sir Robert Gower, who was received with great and prolonged applause, thanked His Excellency for presenting him with the key, a gift which he would always treasure ; he also thanked the Bailiff for his words of welcome. He felt it a very great honour to be with them and to be asked to perform the ceremony, because he realised, and the Council of the R.S.P.C.A. realised, that Jersey and its society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, were in the forefront of the movement. 

He could assure them that on several occasions when the Animal Welfare Group in the House of Commons had met, he had quoted Jersey as being in the forefront of the countries which had passed legislation of a most progressive kind relating to animals.

The Jersey Society was to be congratulated on having Mr. Baal as President, and he was sure that Mr. Stephens was the right man in the right place. A great deal of the success of their society was due to his efforts.

Exterior of the new dogs hospital

"As Chairman of the R.S.P.C.A.," added Sir Robert, " it is my duty to inspect a good many institutions, and I can say that during the ten years I have been Chairman I have not visited a more excellent and up-to-date institution than the one I have seen this afternoon. I have no doubt at all that your society will go on from strength to strength."

Captain Pulleine, in the course of a short speech, expressed the great regret of the Chief Secretary, Captain MacCunn, at his inability to be present.

Sir Robert Gower then asked the Lieut.-Governor to present Mr. Stephens with the R.S.P.C.A. Bronze Medal and Certificate. In making the presentation His Excellency said that lie could not imagine any medal being more richly deserved.

On the following morning a large party, including Sir Robert Gower and Captain Pulleine, after being shown the State Abattoirs and Quarantine Station, were taken on a tour of the Island and were entertained to lunch at Bouley Bay by the President of the Jersey S.P.C.A., Mr. Baal. They were afterwards entertained to tea by Mr. Blampied, the States' Veterinary Surgeon.

In the evening a banquet was given at the Pomine d'Or Hotel, at which the Lieut.-Governor and Lady Martelli, and all the leading people in the island were present. The Attorney-General, Mr. C. W. Duret Aubin, proposed the health of Sir Robert Gower ; our Chairman's response was received with great enthusiasm.

The whole company then went on to a Ball at the West Park Pavilion, at which some 500 people were present.

On Saturday evening the. Bailiff and Mrs. Coutanche gave a large cocktail party to which all the supporters of the Jersey S.P.C.A. were invited. Everyone was introduced to Sir Robert.

Afterwards our Chairman, Captain Pulleine, the Bailiff and Mrs. Coutanche were entertained to dinner by Captain Bolitho. After dinner a most interesting discussion took place as to the possibility of framing further humane legislation on the island.

Jock Receives attention from the nurses


OUR grateful thanks are due to all those Ladies and Gentlemen who entertained, lent cars, or in any other way helped towards the success of the visit to Jersey of Sir Robert Gower and Captain Pulleine.

To Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Baal for the gift of provisions for our Bridge Tea, also to many who sent beautiful cakes, either direct or through the medium of some of our helpers ; to Messrs. Tanguy for the gift of milk and butter ; to all who sent along those lovely prizes ; to the Management of the Ritz Hotel, who once again gave us the use of the luxurious lounge, and also helped us in many other kind ways ; last, but by no means least, to all the Ladies who worked so hard both in the morning preparing tea and in the afternoon, and to Mrs. H. J. Baal, for kindly presenting the prizes. To all, please accept our sincere and grateful thanks.

To Mrs. N. A. Allport for the gift of a number of dog coats for use in our Hospital, which were so splendidly made and are of the greatest service to us at all times.

To our many friends who have sent us in medicine bottles and linen for use in our clinic, and also gifts of old newspapers.

The Manager gives some sound advice


OUR Annual Bridge Afternoon was held at the Ritz lounge, on Thursday, February 23rd, which was again kindly placed at our disposal by the Ritz Hotel Management. There were about 180 players, who all seemed to spend a most enjoyable afternoon.
The special committee responsible for the arrangements was : Mrs. Crawford, Mrs. A. Le Sueur, Mrs. E. P. Marett, and Mrs. F. M. Burrell, who, together with a band of very willing helpers, worked very hard to ensure the comfort of all' concerned. We were very sorry that Mrs. Crawford, who had worked so hard in all the previous arrangements for this function, was unable to be with us that afternoon owing to indisposition, and we are delighted to know she is once more about in her usual health.



We have received the photograph of " Jenny " in appreciation for services rendered. She was one of our 590 hospital cases during 1938, and underwent a very serious operation. After many weeks of nursing she slowly, but surely, recovered. The photograph was taken after her return home.

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