Tuesday, 7 May 2019

What the Papers Said

It was rather fun to be able to go on BBC Radio Jersey this weekend and review the papers

One of the quirky stories - albeit short - that would appeal to people from Jersey was a cartoon in which a lady was on the telephone to Ladbrokes wanting to place a bet on the name of the royal child that is expected soon. her suggestion for the name was that it should be called “Baby McBabyface”. Clearly broadcaster James Hand - now back at BBC Radio Jersey - still has a lot to answer for after his suggestion Boaty McBoatface for the British Antarctic Survey research vessel came top of the polls.

The Daily Mail as is usual making its moral case, decided to castigate Emma Thompson for jetting from New York across the Atlantic. Emma Thompson of course is a major supporter of initiatives to help prevent climate change but aircraft are one of the main causes of climate change with the amount of greenhouse gases they release into the atmosphere. When jet fuel is burned, the carbon in the fuel is released and bonds with oxygen (O2) in the air to form carbon dioxide (CO2).

The Daily Mail branded her a hypocrite. however by their strange convoluted logic this means that everyone can ignore climate change rather than making the case that she should not be doing that but everyone should be playing their part including her. I suspect the Daily Mail has a certain degree of affinity with climate change denial.

The mirror reported on Kevin Webber who is on a pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago and how this pilgrimage from France to Spain is a melting pot for all different kinds of people of race and religion those of faith and those of no faith.

I remember enjoying the recent BBC programme about the pilgrimage although I have to say that I was even more moved by the pilgrimage to Rome where the degree of diversity included not only a Catholic but also a Muslim woman and also a gay man, Stephen K. Amos.

Amos, grieving the recent loss of his mother and twin sister, told the Catholic Church leader he’s “looking for answers and faith, but as a gay man, I don’t feel accepted.”

“Giving more importance to the adjective than the noun—this is not good,” Francis responded, as seen in a clip from the series. “We are all human beings and have dignity. It does not matter who you are or how you live your life, you do not lose your dignity. There are people that prefer to select or discard people, because of the adjective. These people don’t have a human heart.” Francis then embraced Amos, who whispered “thank you.”

A new dossier on Anti-Semitism in the Labour Party is something of a headache for Jeremy Corbyn. This is reported in the Sunday Times. It has been carefully collated from tweets, emails, recorded utterances, snapshots of Facebook posts – and there are around 15,000 pages documenting this solid evidence.

There can be little doubt that anti-semitism is a major problem within today’s Labour Party, gnawing at its moral roots, and one which Jeremy Corbyn seems unwilling or unable to address. Aa notable resignation after many years of Labour Party membership has been the writer and actor Tony Robinson who has simply been fed up with the lack of strong moral leadership in this area.

Let’s be clear. This is not some conspiracy to attack Corbyn, as some of his defender’s allege, it is his complete failure to act that is causing display from long term Labour supporters. He needs to take strong action, like Neil Kinnock did when he weeded out the pernicious entryism of Militant within the party. Otherwise Corbyn will be tainted with accusations of anti-Semitism, or of tacit support of the anti-Semitism within his party.

I didn’t have time to pick up on the Sunday Times which reported that British Telecoms was thinking of charging more for rural broadband because of the difficult nature of providing it to outlying districts in terms of the costly infrastructure required. I wonder what we would think if Jersey telecoms or other broadband providers locally decided to charge more to the inhabitants of St John or St Mary! I suspect that Hedley Le Maistre would be up in arms about it.

BBC Radio 4 programme The Reunion includes Angela Rippon this week who is reported in the papers talking about an incident which occurred when she was a newsreader. Apparently one of the technicians off to the side of her pretended to undo his flies and wave around something which in fact was just a part of his shirt but was not easily visible to her clearly. this is one of a number of shameful incidents which the BBC in the past was prone to and which were covered up or kept quiet. it is high time this kind of behaviour was exposed but not literally!!

On a lighter and concluding note, Harold Wilson's widow has left a number of items up for auction belonging to Harold himself. Unlike some prime minister's who are quite bland, Harold Wilson was well-known for a number of what might be termed prime minister's props. Included in the auction are his celebrated gannet Max his pipes and I believe also a bottle of HP Sauce - his favourite!

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