Random thoughts, poems, jottings, and as it says, musings. About anything and everything!
Thursday, 4 July 2019
Past remembered: St Brelade's Bay Resident's Association
In the early 1980s, largely formed out of a response against the destruction of Chateaux des Roches, which was passed anyway, the St Brelade's Bay Residents Association was formed to deal with issues relating to the Bay, and with overdevelopment of the Bay.
Back then residents of the bay were much more tight knit, and might pop round to each others houses for a cup of tea and cake (which is what I usually was given when I popped to the Fowlers at les Houmets, always hospitable and friendly, or an early evening sherry (other residents whom I won't embarrass by mentioning by name).
Those sitcoms where the husband comes home from work harassed and promptly pours a sherry were true to life! It was usually Harvey's Bristol Cream, and not the other one promoted on TV at the time by Orson Welles in his rich gravelly voice.
The residents association had one minor victory - it managed to get a public meeting held at which L'Horizon's plans to relocate a footpath to the beach were resolutely trounced, but on the whole mostly I remember the interminable boredom of meetings, and they way in which they rambled far from the issues at hand, but not in any particularly interested way.
Deputy Graham Thorne was a deputy for St Brelade No 2, and came to almost every meeting, and was very supportive. Despite the Bay straddling both electoral districts, Deputy Margaret Beadle was conspicuous by her absense. Deputy Enid Quenault was very supportive both as Deputy, and from 1987 as Connetable.
These minutes give a flavour of what it was like!
Minutes of the meeting held at La Marquanderie Inn
on Thursday, July 25th, 1985
Chairman: Andrew Jordan
Secretary: Tony Bellows
Other Members Present:
Mr & Mrs J. Meade, Mr & Mrs P. Jackson, Mr & Mrs W. Fowler, Mr & Mrs H Taylor
In Attendance:
Deputy Graham Thorne
Deputy Enid Quenault
Mrs Harwood
Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting (30.5.85), having been circulated to members, were approved and adopted. (proposed: Joyce Meade; seconded: Joe Meade)
Report on Zebra Crossing
This was to report on what progress, if any, there had been towards the placement of signs posts warning motorists of the zebra crossing. In the absence of Deputy Beadle, it was not possible to ascertain this, so this item was carried over.
Extension of Membership
A discussion followed on whether or not the membership should be extended to allow people to become full members if they did not actually live in the Bay area, but were interested in looking after the Bay.
Andrew Jordan reported on inquiries for full membership by people concerned with the Bay but living outside the full membership area. Joe Meade objected to an extension to the membership and asked that the area remained clearly defined as it was (in the association rules). He pointed out that associate membership was available for interested outsiders.
Deputy Graham Thorne suggested that all people who had an interest in the Bay should be able to join.
Footpaths being overgrown
It was noted that (a) the path leading to the steps beside the Winston Churchill Memorial park were overgrown; (b) the "goat track" (opposite Tabor Synagogue down to near the Cobweb) was overgrown.
In the matter of (a), Deputy Thorne suggested writing to Public Works and asking them to clear it, if they were responsible for this. Deputy Quenault pointed out that this was likely because Public Works had placed hand rails at the top of the steps at her request.
In the matter of (b), Deputy Thorne suggested writing to Mr Pipon (The Authorise) to ascertain the legal position on responsibility for the path.
Mr Meade raised the matter of the footpath on the Chateaux des Roches land. He was informed that it had been agreed at a previous meeting that no action would be taken on this unless proper legal proof could be found that it was a public footpath.
Present Direction of Organisation
Tony Bellows distributed a discussion document (copy attached) giving suggestions on the future direction of the association. It was also suggested that a social event, such as a cheese and wine, should be held, to further this aspect of the association. In addition, Andrew Jordan suggested that meeting should take place once every two months, and not monthly as at present.
Deputy Thorne suggested that commercial interests in the Bay should be represented in the association. Andrew Jordan pointed out that if owners were not resident in the Bay, and represented by management, a conflict of interests between the interests of Bay and commerce could arise. Mr Meade commented that it was an association for people who lived in the Bay, and did not just worked there.
The general consensus (apart from the question of membership) was agreement with path the association was taking.
Violence in Bay Area
A report was made by Mrs Harwood of a fight in the vicinity of Tamm's Safari bar which broke out while she was strolling along the promenade with her 6 year old son in the early evening (9.30-10.00); a chair was broken across one man's back and splinters came out onto her son. It was a distressing experience to her and her son, and Mr Meade asked her to relate it so that members could understand the sort of violence which can occur in the Bay.
It was agreed to request information from the authorities on late night policing in the Bay.
It was agreed to write to Public Works about the steps/footpath and the Authorise about the "Goat Track".
It was agreed that agendas would be sent out 10 days before meetings, and that meetings would take place every two months.
It was agreed that the date of the next meeting would be the 19th September, 1985.
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