Saturday, 17 August 2019

The Call

What is the nature of our vocation, and when we hear a siren call for help from those who need our aid, do we obey that call? This poem explores how we understand our lives, how vocation makes sense of the whole journey of life, and gives us a vision to inspire and call us to follow.

The Call

I saw the sun so slowly set, it now was time to rest
The winter lands await me now, ending of a quest
I saw the seasons joyful bright, and now ever so sad
Here is now a resting place, and that has made me glad

A land of famine, sorrow, death, a voice that cries to give
Here is the purpose, calling now, and only thus we live
Let love, compassion, ever flow, as a life giving stream;
I heard a voice now calling me, it said “I have a dream”

This is the call, the task for us, to be this dark world's light
Beneath the hopeless times of dread, to shine as angel light
Bring living water where is drought, below the blazing sun
And in that light of life to walk, till travelling days are done.

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