Thursday, 8 August 2019

Value for Money

Value for Money

A consultation and memorial project are part of the government’s response to Recommendation 8 of the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry, which identified the need to determine how the failures of the Island’s historic child care system should be recognised and remembered."  It began in January 2018 when various stakeholders were assembled, and a consultant appointed.

So how is the memorial coming along? Fast forward to May this year, and the BBC notes that a panel of survivors has called for a visible memorial at a site yet to be determined with a competition for the best design.

So far... no memorial, no design for a memorial, no site for a memorial. And yet the cost so far racked up is £68,406! It’s like the Emperor’s new clothes!

I mention this because Government House – home to the Lieutenant-Governor and his wife - is set to undergo a £130,000 refurb, including the redecoration of the function rooms, new carpets and energy-saving lighting. That’s less than double the amount spent on a non-existent memorial, and yet look at the real work that will be done. Bailliwick Express reports:

“The Government is planning to spend £70,000 on redecorating the main function areas, as well as some, but not all, bedrooms. £35,000 will be spent on new carpet for the main areas – including the stairs, corridors and landings where the carpet was last changed 15 years ago – as well as the dining room and Millais Suite. As part of the works, worn brassware, radiator fixings, fan motors and pumps will also be replaced, and, where possible, energy-saving lighting will be put in, at a cost of £10,000. Fixtures and fittings will cost an additional £10,000 and the government has set aside an extra £5,000 in case problems arise during the renovation.”

Note that some of that – energy saving lighting – will even pay for itself in terms of running costs and longevity. Compared with the £68,406 splashed out on, well so far, nothing, this is really good value for money.

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