Friday, 9 October 2020

Extracts from The Jersey at Home, Summer 1965 – Pauline Challenge Cup Won Outright

Pauline Challenge Cup Won Outright

St. Lawrence Breeder Gains Hat Trick with his Champion Producer

The Pauline Challenge Cup and Scales for the Champion Producer have been won outright by Mr. F. A. Anthoine of Les Colombiers Farm, St. Lawrence whose aged cow. “ Supreme Vedas Design," was successful in 1964 for the third year in succession.

Following up her successes in 1962 and 1963, “Supreme Vedas Design,” totalled 1982.48 points in the 1964 competition and she topped the Butter Fat Production, Class 2 (Cows 4 years of age and over) with 1,063.46 lbs. fat at 5.79%, and also headed the Milk Production, Class 2, with 18,380.5 lbs. milk.

Now well over nine years of age, this phenomenal cow has always been a heavy producer and is descended from several gold and silver medal sires and ton of gold cows. Champion Producer in 1962 and 1963, she was 1st over Jersey Fat Production and Milk Production in 1962, and 2nd Milk Production and 3rd Fat Production in 1963. Her last five lactations read : 

Supreme Vedas Design.” is by Thankful Supreme Oxford, 8747,******“ a silver and gold medal sire whose 13 daughters with 37 records average 316 8787 5.77 507. This bull is by Samares Supreme Oxford, 8486*" (exported to England 22/7/53), a son of silver and gold medal sire, Sybil’s Oxfordia’s Lad. 7821 out of Samares Royal Interest,12th. 57130, a prolific winner at St. Clement Parish and Island shows. Sire of Sybil's Oxfordia’s Lad was Pioneer Cup winner and silver and gold medal bull, Oxfordia's Oxford Lad, 7579, exported to England 6/5/47. The dam was Sybil de llaut 6th, S4335. ton of gold cow and reserve champion producer in 1949. Sire of Samares Royal lnterest 12th was Samares Royal Interest Rush. 7585, silver medal sire exported to Canada 1/8/46, and dam was Samares Royal Interest 4th, Island champion in 1939, and daughter of Rush's Fern Oxford Jun.

The dam of Thankful Supreme Oxford was K.R.D.’s Thankful Surprise. a treble ton of gold cow with a total lifetime production of 2857 I19,426 5.77 6,89l.27. She was by Keeper’s: Rush Designer, 8037, *"""* silver and gold medal sire and Island champion (who was by Rush's Designer 2nd out of Keeper's Dreaming Design) while her dam was July’: Thankful Surprise by La Pompe Thankful Noble out of November’s July. A Gold Medal cow.

The champion producer's dam was Vedas Designer's Beauty. 60224 who was by La Prairie Vedas Designer, 7947* out of Viking's Beauty, 56805. La Prairie Vedas Designer had 11 daughters with 22 records averaging 306 7830 5.38 42l. He was by Dainty Beau, 7588, silver and gold medal sire, exported to U.S.A. 20/3/48. He in turn was by |taska‘s Coronation Beau, (out of ltaska's

Beauty's Coronation) while his dam was Dainty Blossom. exported to England 14/3/46. The dam of La Prairie Vedas Designer was Golden Designing Vedas. 52726, supreme champion over Jersey in May. 1946 whose sire was Design’: Fern Oxford 4th-—son of Rush‘s Fern Oxford Jun.—and the dam was Golden Sultane Vedas, a daughter of Golden Blonde Sultan. Viking’s Beauty—the champion’s grandma - was by Roseland Viking out of Willonyx Marie's Beauty 3rd. Roseland Viking was by The Right Vintage, out of Dancing Along, both exported to the U.S.A. on 1/8/46. Willonyx Marie's Beauty 3rd was by Browny's Designer. 7434, a silver and gold medal sire exported to the U.S.A. on 1/8/46,  out of Willonyx Marie's Beauty.

The reserve charnpion producer was Mr. F. N. Le Breton's “Promising Maharajah’s Lady 5th," 68307, who totalled |723.82 points. She placed 2nd in Class 2 of the Butter Fat Production with 927.95 lbs., fat at 5.83% and third in the Milk Production was 15,91.5 lbs. milk.

The winner of the Lever Cup for the Junior Champion Producer of 1964 was Mr. A. J. BIampied's “Tenth Jess," 7l500. who totalled l503.29 points, and won Class I of the Butter Fat Production with 806.87 lbs. fat at 5.79%, and also the Milk Production, Class I. with 13,928.5 lbs. milk. The reserve junior champion was Mr. L. H. Le Ruez’s " Ruler’s Viola," 71659 with l319.-10 points. She also placed second in Class I, butter fat production, with 730.73 lbs. fat at 6.2l%. 

The winner of the Pioneer Perpetual Trophy. awarded to the hull with the five highest producing daughters, went to Ceres Royal. 8549 with 6552.79 aggregate points. His last owner in Jersey was Mr. H. P. Le Ruez. whose bull “Ceres Oxford Reviver,” also won the Pioneer last year. The reserve place went to Winsome Double Liberator, 8980 with 6523.98 points, and whose last owner in Jersey was also Mr. H. P. Le Ruez.

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