Friday, 4 December 2020

Extracts from The Jersey at Home, Jersey Young Farmers Club

Extracts from The Jersey at Home, Jersey Young Farmers Club, 1965
Jersey Young Farmers Club

At the beginning of the last Club year, it was decided that a new Section, known as the Agricultural Section, should be formed in place of the Cattle Section, and it would be responsible for organising all the Inter-Group agricultural and horticultural activities, including the Cattle Judging and Showmanship Competitions. Consequently, an inaugural meeting of this new Section was held, and the officers for the coming year were elected, the Chairman being Mr. John Gallichan, the Secretary, Miss Ann Barette, and a Committee of seven.

This new Section has had a successful first year, and the following is a resume of the competitions which it has organised. The first competition to be arranged was something new, namely a breezing competition, and this was held on December 2nd, at Mr. Edward Renouf's, Ville Bree, St. Martin. Each competitor was required to breeze one vergee with a twin breezer, the result being: 1st—Ted Vautier, 2nd— Norman Le Maistre and 3rd—Ken. Vibert.

Two weeks later on December 15th. A broccoli packing competition took place. Each competitor had to pack one crate of broccoli during a given time, and after the judges had examined the finished crates, they announced the results as follows: 1st—Philip Romeril. 2nd—Ronnie Renouard and 3rd—Robert Hamon.

The next two competitions to be organised were concerned with flowers. The first, an anemone bunching and boxing competition, was held on January 26th. Each competitor had to bunch and box one box of anemones, and the result was: 1st—Philip Romeril, 2nd—John Le Feuvre and 3rd—Ronnie Renouard.

The second of these competitions was a Daffodil bunching and boxing competition, which took place on March 23rd. Again, each competitor had to bunch and box one box of Daffodils, the results being: 1st- Robin Perchard. 2nd—Mary Perchard and 3rd—Julia Simon.

This new section was also responsible for organizing the annual Field Day, which was held on August 26th, at Mr. H. W. MaiI|ard‘s, Glencoe. St. Lawrence. During the morning, the Showmanship and Cattle Judging competitions took place. In the Showmanship competition, the competitors were given

30 minutes in which to trim and prepare an animal for a showring, and the results were 1st—Lewis Rondel. 2nd—Brian de Gruchy and 3rd—John Le Masurler.

This was followed by the Cattle Judging competitions. The competitors were required to judge four heifers and then four cows. after which they had to state their reasons for their order of placings of the latter. The results were: juniors 1st- Ken Vibert, 2nd—John Le Masurier and 3rd—Robin Perchard. Seniors: 1st—John Le Feuvre. 2nd—Lewis Rondel and 3rd—Margaret de Gruchy.

During the afternoon, competitions such as tractor and trailer handling, mounting of tractor implements, test in handling a fork-loader, milking machine assembly, etc., were due to be held, but we were unfortunately favoured with bad weather, and as a result, these competitions had to be cancelled. The competitions for the girls, which were held inside a large shed, included cake-making, jams and preserves, sewing, knitting, flower arrangements, tossing the pancake, etc.

This year, two new trophies had been presented to be awarded to the girl and boy who obtained the highest number of individual points in competitions held during the year. The Girls’ Trophy had kindly been presented by Miss Eileen Gallichan, the Chairman during the past year. and the Boys‘ Trophy had been bought with money donated by various merchants’ stores.

At the Annual General Meeting on August 27th, these trophies were presented to their respective winners, the Girls’ Trophy being awarded to Valerie Renouard who had won it with 13 points, reserve was Leonora Herve with 8 points. The Boys‘ Trophy was awarded to Philip Romeril, who had won it with 9 points and reserve was Ken Vibert with 7 points.

The Conference Cup was also presented at the A.G.M. This Trophy, which had been presented to the Club by Mr. E. Lea Marsh of the U.S.A. for the animal, owned by~a Club member. which had completed the highest record in a 305 day lactation or the first 305 days of a 365 day lactation. A slight alteration to the Rules this year, debarred previous winners from entering. The winner was Mr. John Le Feuvre, whose animal "Aimless Lady 9th " produced 10,889 lbs. milk at 5.02% butter fat. Reserve was Robin Perchard's cow “ Keeper's Dreaming Itaska ".

During the year, agricultural meetings have been quite varied, and they included talks by Deputy M. Letto, a member of the Committee of Agriculture, and Mr. D. Chalk, the local Horticultural Adviser.

We were very happy to once again welcome Mr. G. McCal|um, the veterinary surgeon, the subject of his talk being “ The Udder ". One of our Club members, Robin Perchard told us about his experiences of working on the Jersey Show circuit in the States last year, and Senator W. G. Perchard showed us the slides which he had taken on his trip to South Africa in April, 1964, where he had officiated as judge at the South African Jersey Championship Show in Bloemfontein.

We were also fortunate to have representatives of the Jersey Milk Marketing Board explain about the new dairy, which is in the process of being built and their plans for the future, and a “ Farm Forum " proved very popular, the panel consisting of both Club members and well known local farmers.

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