Monday, 21 December 2020

Unmasking the Sorry Delays and Confused Messages

Confusion, muddle, delay. Look at how we have variations on the theme of "We will review the result of these measures before considering the mandatory use of masks following a States Assembly debate"

By the time they did that, the figures were soaring!

Here's the timeline. We are told the law was difficult to draw up and get through, and yet in March, everything was passed extremely quickly. The various press releases and messages from Ministers reveal a very different story, of delay, of a marked reluctance to impose anything by rule of law, until circumstances dictated it - by which time it should have been in place a month before. 

There is a marked reluctance from this government to admit to making mistakes - instead entirely blaming others for spreading Covid around. The poor messaging had nothing to do with that, we are told. Quite frankly, I don't buy the excuses, unless they can produce documentary evidence in minutes showing the delays - but of course the STAC minutes have only been released up to 7th September, and are still being written from that date onwards!

In the meantime, some retailers took to say in public that they didn't think it their job to police what were no more than guidelines, and if people refused to wear masks, they wouldn't enforce it. No one from the Government spoke out against that! 

And mid-November, the Powerhouse was closed for several days following an outbreak of Covid. The writing was on the wall, but we had " if further action is needed to protect the public, by ensuring the strict adherence of measures, these Regulations will enable the issuing of Orders to enforce the guidelines."

31 July 2020. Richard Renouf 

“Wearing masks indoors in public, such as in shops, will help protect yourself and others so the medical experts encourage their continued use when possible. However, making this mandatory through legislation is not proportionate at the moment given our current situation. I want to give my support to the recent changes in guidance on public transport and I thank the members of STAC for their updated guidance which remains under review.”

23 September 2020: JEP 

NEW laws are being drawn up to make wearing masks compulsory in indoor public places as part of plans to help prevent a second wave of Covid-19.

Health Minister Richard Renouf said he hoped to bring the law to the States for approval at the start of October and politicians may be asked to debate it as soon as possible, scrapping the six-week lodging period usually required before a proposition is debated. New public health guidance from Monday 26 October, will strongly recommend that Islanders wear masks in public indoor spaces to protect the Island from community spread of COVID-19.

24 September 2020: Richard Renouf

"I want to emphasise that we must not be complacent as a community. Physical distancing, frequent hand washing, the use of masks where appropriate and consideration for others remain vital in our fight against COVID-19. RR

23 October 2020: Richard Renouf

Ministers continue to support the preparation and the drafting of legislation for the mandatory use of masks. We accept there may be a short period of adjustment for customers and businesses in the coming days. We will review the result of these measures before considering the mandatory use of masks following a States Assembly debate.

23 October 2020: John Le Fondre

"One measure, which many of you will have already seen reported and discussed, is the wider use of protective masks in indoor public spaces, including supermarkets, shops and the library. "

13 October: Government Press Release 

"The wearing of masks in public indoor environments has been introduced (effective from October 26). The Government hopes that all sectors affected will introduce mask policies on a voluntary basis, but Ministers will consider whether legislation is required to enable enforcement of this measure."

13 October: John Le Fondre 

"Today, we are updating our country and regional classifications and will implement those changes this week, before half term. We are also intending to require more mitigations in the Island, like the wearing of masks in indoor public spaces."

2 November 2020: COVID-19 Winter Strategy

"If we don’t make wearing masks the norm, if we don’t keep small social groups, if we don’t observe social distancing, then these measures will fail." (John Le Fondre)

The Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf will lodge a set of Regulations which will enable the Government to enforce COVID-19 measures by law, if it becomes necessary.

16 November 2020: Government Website:

Monitoring of support and up-take of mask use is underway and if further action is needed to protect the public, by ensuring the strict adherence of measures, these Regulations will enable the issuing of Orders to enforce the guidelines.

30 November 2020: Government Website:

A law to make masks compulsory will come into effect tomorrow (Tuesday 1 December) at 10am. The Health Minister has signed an Order that makes this change, after States Members voted overwhelmingly to support this stance.


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