Saturday, 27 March 2021

Magical World

I was just thinking that how complacent we are, even despite the pandemic. We can communicate with each other across distance... and think nothing of it. We understand how the Coronavirus spreads.. and think nothing of that understanding. We take a vaccine to safeguard us... and think nothing about how wonderful that is. When we look back in time, as this poem does, we have cause for amazement and gratitude that we live in such a magical world... where the magic of science really does work wonders.

Magical World

Distant viewing, a magician’s dream
The ancient books gave such spells
None worked as they would deem
Yet we are linked with Zoom cells

The plague came, the Black Death
How it spread, no one yet knew
A world in agony, a drying breath
But I know a virus reaches you

Prayers, leeches, spells, all failed
No cure for the dying, no hope
Medicine unknown, still veiled
Vaccines work and help us cope

Truly, we live in a magical world today
So be thankful, now and every day

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