Friday, 18 June 2021

1954 Hotels and Tourism - Part 2

1954, and this month I will be looking at my Chamber of Commerce 1954 Holiday guide, I am struck by how many of the hotels listed here have vanished. In this blog I look at some of those listed, and also at some of the breaking news for that year. I've also tried to check where the hotels were and what replaced them.

To set the scene for the year, here are some events during January 1954, as the year opened.

A few other events from 1954 locally. 

January 1954:


11.—-Opening of January Assizes. the one case on the calendar being that of Ernest William Cattell, charged with blackmailing Margaret Vasse; the case continued on Tuesday when Cattell was found not guilty and discharged: a special sitting of the Full Court followed and sentence of six months was passed on Margaret Vasse. who had pleaded guilty previously to embezzlement.

12—Annual general meeting of Jersey Battle of Flowers Association. last year‘s Battle showing a profit of £1,700. Road widening proposals adopted by St Helier parish assembly, these being in Hill Street, Great Union Road and Bath Street; it was agreed that Ingouville Lane be taken over by the parish. —Lt. Governor and family pay visit to La Hougue Bie. A hoard of sovereigns found by workmen on States building site in Springfield Road, this consisting of 42 sovereigns and 27 half-sovereigns.

13.—The Island’s most disastrous fire occurs this morning, when Messrs. F. Le Gallais and Sons’ shops, stores and workrooms are completely gutted in an outbreak which was first noticed at 4 am; the fire became a raging inferno and business premises and houses adjoining were partially destroyed or otherwise affected; nearby streets were barricaded off and the fire was got under control shortly after 6 am: rain which fell incessantly between 4 and 6 fortunately prevented the whole of the block fronting Beresford and Cattle streets from being consumed.

14. Annual winter show of the Poultry and Ornithological Society revived at Springfield. Clearing and removing debris from the scene of the disastrous fire commences, streets in the neighbourhood being barred off: it was stated that 300,009 gallons of water were used by the fire fighters! Passenger figures published shows an increase of 40,000 by air with a decrease of 16,188 by sea, the overall figure being an increase of 24,000. Green Room Club annual dinner - speakers stressing the need for an Island theatre.

15—St. Clements’s holds meeting to discuss the National Service Bill. but only 30 persons attended and a mandate was not taken. Dr. J. B. Firth, Home Office expert. arrives to assist. in inquiries into cause of the recent Le Gallais fire. Annual dinner of Trinity municipality.

16—Before the Royal Court to-day, a professional golfer. A. H. Monk. was fined £50 and Alfred Cadoret £10 for infractions of the Import. and Export Control Order. St. Lawrence municipality hold
annual dinner at Portelet Hotel. Southampton A.B.C. gain a victory in boxing tournament at Springfield against St Helier ABC.

19 —States: Opening day of 1954 session. a Bill to amend the Income Tax Law being debated and then lodged; the resignation of Deputy J. B. Michel of St. Peter's was announced; various minor matters were lodged or otherwise dealt with and dates fixed for the session's agenda. Workman engaged on the clearance of Messrs. Le Gallais burned out premises have narrow escape from serious injury when a chimney-breast and top floor crash to the ground.

And also this year: Jersey Pottery was purchased in 1954 by Clive and Jessie Jones. Their children Colin Jones and Carol Garton steered the business through the heady tourism days of 1960’s through to the 1990’s.

Chamber Guide 1954

Looking at the Chamber of Commerce 1954 Holiday guide, I am struck by how many of the hotels listed here have vanished.

Hotel guide


Rosebank is now Rosebank Condominium Complex.

Sunnyside is now Hastings Villas, which began construction in 2018.

2 Elizabeth place is now a restaurant and Clair de Lune Flats

I've not been able to identify these precisely. I'm pretty sure Beau Sejour is now part of Springfield Crescent (Flats).

Beau Sejour is showing in 2019 as a Registered Lodging House with Bedsitters at £130 per week, Single Flats at £160 per week, and £255 for Double Flats.

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