Friday, 16 July 2021

1954 Hotels and Tourism - Part 5

1954 Hotels and Tourism - Part 5

1954, and this month I will be looking at my Chamber of Commerce 1954 Holiday guide, I am struck by how many of the hotels listed here have vanished. In this blog I look at some of those listed, and also at some of the breaking news for that year. I've also tried to check where the hotels were and what replaced them.

To set the scene for the year, here are some events during early 1954, as the year opened.

February 1954

11. States: Debate on the National Service Bill continues, an important article dealing with the employers liability to reinstate being adopted by a majority of one, 25 24; the debate was adjourned. Angry scenes witnessed at St. John‘s meeting on National Service. the Deputy being asked to resign following by refusal to keep a mandate. Jewellers shop in Dumaresq Street broken into. gold watches and rings to 9. total value of' nearly £1,000 being taken.

13. -Inquest held on the body of Mrs. F. Thomson. an elderly widow who was found gassed at, her residence, a verdict of suicide. Being returned.

16. States: Resumed debate on National Service Bill, the remainder of the articles being adopted with the exception of several reserved ones and the schedules.

17 St, Brelade’s assembly adopts new plan for St. Aubin's landslide, a sum of £4,587 being voted for the construction of an embankment Mr. E. Le G. Siouville, candidate in the forthcoming election for Senator, address electors at combined meeting of St. Martin, St. John and Trinity.

18.- -States: Messrs. Rediffusion’s application to make use of the Jersey Electricity Company’s services in order to bring television to town was approved ; a. special committee was appointed to conduct future negotiations with. trade unions on behalf of the States ; the report of the milk costing oflicer was submitted, and various Acts and Orders tabled.

19. Presentations to Senator Le Marinel and his Wife made by parishioners of St. John’s. Electors of Trinity hold meeting to discuss the National Service Bill, the Constable and Deputy being instructed to vote against. Jersey Debating Club motion, “That we should mind our own business ” defeated by two to one vote.

Hotels List

The hotel was in Roseville street still there in 1998, towards the bottom end of the street - but flats by 2018. It has now been divided into privately owned apartments, called 'Greenwood Lodge Flats'.


Gone by 1998, now flats - Camelia Court Flats

Edmund Anquetil's kept an illegal wireless set at this hotel during the Occupation.

By 1998 it was 36-37 Havre des Pas -Silvertide Beach Apartments and  39 Hvavre des Pas- Silvertide Self-Catering. By 2018 the first was Falcon Apartments and Ocean Villa (36-37).

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