Friday, 23 July 2021

1954 Hotels and Tourism - Part 6

1954, and this month I will be looking at my Chamber of Commerce 1954 Holiday guide, I am struck by how many of the hotels listed here have vanished. In this blog I look at some of those listed, and also at some of the breaking news for that year. I've also tried to check where the hotels were and what replaced them.

To set the scene for the year, here are some events during early 1954, as the year opened. 

What are Grasdos?

A "grasdos" - mentioned in the events - is a fish also known as a "sand smelt." Dave Watson gave a memorable description of fishing for them.

"Sea Fishing Club holds grasdos contest at New North Quay, the catch totalling over one hundredweight."

"Winter nights a old Jersey boy called Cyril used to roll up in his van with a big square Grasdos drop net with scaffold jib, set it up on the railing , tie on his Shirvy Bag (big onion/bulb bag) and drop it down next to the net , chuck a bit of shirvy in the net and lower it down , shake the shirvy bag and wait  soon there was hundreds of Grasdo's swimming round the net , quick pull on the net rope and lift it up out the water full of nice shiny Grasdos , tip them into a bucket and drop again and again - never seen so may caught."

Dave Cabeldu also mentions them around Havre des Pas: "Grasdos came in shoals by the hundreds, closely followed by the ghostly grey shapes of our favourite but tricky prey – grey mullet."

Some Facebook comments on reading this:

Grasdos love them fried

Enjoyed night fishing for them with a light. Taste good too

I used to fish for them on Bouley Bay pier

Good memories fishing at the harbour with the tilly lamp

February 1954
20.Before the Royal Court today Mr. François Cadoret was actioned by H.M. Attorney-General for payment of a fine of £15 imposed upon him for infractions of the Insular Insurance Law and was committed to prison; his brother. Mr. Peter Cadoret, was also actioned and the case remanded for one week. Three motor torpedo boats arrive in harbour, these bringing the silver and trophies which belonged to the destroyer H.M.S. Jersey and which are to be kept in the Island.

21.House in Colomberie broken into and nearly £100 taken; a week ago : a similar incident occurred in Queen's Road. Jersey Sea Fishing Club holds grasdos contest at New North Quay, the catch totalling over one hundredweight.

22 Town Hail nomination meeting for the Senatorship, Messrs. J. Le Marquand and E. Le G. Siouville being the only candidates. Opening performance of Anthony Booth's play “House Party " presented at The Playhouse.

23.-Jersey Musical Union annual meeting, a successful year being recorded.

24-.- Annual meeting of Association of Jersey Exhibitors. the possibility of a. seven-day event being discussed. Inquest concluded on the body of Denis Cremin, whose body was found in Dannemarche Reservoir on Christmas Eve, the cause of death being impossible to determine. Victoria College Preparatory junior and senior cross-country races held in good weather conditions.

25.Royal College of Nursing (Jersey branch) hold first annual dinner, many distinguished guests being present. “The Evening Post ” annual staff dinner and dance held at Merton Hotel.

26, St. Brelade electors discuss the National Service Bill, a majority being in favour. Sir Guy Lloyd, MP. for Renfrew, addresses meeting of Royal Empire Society at West Park Pavilion. Annual meeting of Jersey branch of Royal Air Forces Association.

Hotels 1954:

By1998, this was all flats under the name of La Villa Rothsay.

Update from Janine: "The photo ad of The Crescent Guest House was placed by my Great Uncle Tom Jones and Great Aunty Marie (nee Renault). So lovely to see this ad as Mum used to tell me about their guest house. Fond memories of childhood visits up to their flat in Victoria Crescent in the 1960s. Such a kind and lovely Aunty and Uncle"

Update from Diana: "During the occupation my family occupied No’s. 1,3,4 & 5 in Victoria Crescent. My grandparents, Louise & William Cullinane lived there until their retirement & our family still live up there!"

By 2018, this was Haddon  House Flats. Another one bites the dust.

And hurrah! It is still around today!

At the Franklyn guest house there is always a warm and truly welcome, ensuring you have an enjoyable and memorable stay.

The Franklyn guest house dates back to 1828 and has well-stocked mature gardens for you to relax and unwind. Te perfect retreat after a days shopping!

The Franklyn guest house is situated in a quiet area of St. Helier. With easy access to all amenities, such as the Hotel de France conference centre, the beatiful Howard Davies Park and award winning museums.

So all in all the Franklyn guest house is the perfect place for your perfect stay, either business or pleasure, we will look after you.

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