Friday, 20 August 2021

1954 Hotels and Tourism - Part 10

1954 Hotels and Tourism - Part 10

1954, and this month I will be looking at my Chamber of Commerce 1954 Holiday guide, I am struck by how many of the hotels listed here have vanished. In this blog I look at some of those listed, and also at some of the breaking news for that year. I've also tried to check where the hotels were and what replaced them.

To set the scene for the year, here are some events during 1954.

April 1954

1. States: The Public Health Committee was re-formed, Senator J. J. Le Marquand being omitted; an amendment was adopted giving greater discretionary powers to the Housing Committee.. 
Before the Police Court, three local men, R. J. Harris (26), T. F. Laverty (26) and E. A. Moody (18), were charged with highway assault at Mont Cochon and were remanded. Opening of Jersey Badminton Association silver jubilee tournament. Annual general meeting of Jersey Swimming Club.

2,. Jersey Debating Club ends session with “Any Questions” evening. 

3.--Jersey Chamber of Commerce annual dinner. Lord Mancroft being the principal speaker. St. Helier A.B.C. defeated in boxing; tournament held at Springfield against Exeter A.B.C.. Concluding sessions of Royal Crescent Junior Eisteddfod.

5.. Union Jack officially hoisted at ceremony held on Le Maitresse, Les Minquiers, this being the first official visit since the recent Hague Court decision.. Hautlieu School officially opened by Sir Alexander Coutanche (Bailiff).

[France v United Kingdom [1953] ICJ 3 (also called the Minquiers and Ecrehos Case) was an International Court of Justice case concerning sovereignty over seas. It ruled that those island belonged to the Bailiwick of Jersey]

6.~States: National Service Bill adapted in third reading by majority of one, the usual Act of transmission being passed; an Act authorizing the spending of £9,938 for the erection of the Eastern Telephone Exchange at St. Saviour was agreed to, as were two Acts presented by the Housing Committee regarding houses at Georgetown and St. Saviour.

7.. Meeting of trustees of the pre-war Battle of Flowers hand over to the present Battle of Flowers Association £670, this being the accumulated fund held since 1939.

8.. Final sitting of States session: The Housing Committee request for £300,000 for the building of houses for letting was lodged an Greffe; a £22,000 vote for fluorescent lighting from Conway Street to Bel Royal was rejected and a Civil Service Board vote for unestablished civil servants’ pensions was deferred. Frost causes damage to potato crop; some areas being appreciably affected.

Hotels and Guest Houses 1954

I assume this is now The Marina Metro Hotel:

"The Marina Metro is situated on the seafront at Havre des Pas, guests can enjoy safe bathing at the beach or in the open air lido pool nearby.


Brookfield: Was there in 1998 but by 2018 it is Brookfield Apartments

Veronica: I cant even find it in the 1981 Street Directory. Must have gone early.

68 New Street, now Roslyn Apartments.

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